“Wabash Blues” by Hobart Smith


“Wabash Blues” by Hobart Smith from In Sacred Trust: The 1963 FLeming Brown Tapes.Click on the link to preview or purchase the song on the Folkways website. Note: I have done my best to transcribe the performance accurately, but of course I am sure there are errors! Click here for the pdf version of the transcription.




HB-Wabash Blues_1:5


































HB-Wabash Blues_2:5


































HB-Wabash Blues_3:5


































HB-Wabash Blues_4:5


































HB-Wabash Blues_5:5



































4 Replies to ““Wabash Blues” by Hobart Smith”

  1. I would really like to learn this tune, do you happen to have a tab available written in the typical banjo tab fashion vita string+fret?


  2. Hello Chris — Thanks for your comment! David has done tabs for most of the songs he has transcribed, but not for this one… I think he is likely working on it, though, and will check on that!

  3. Pingback: DIGITAL: Banjology | African Diaspora, Ph.D.

  4. Would indeed be much appreciated if it was completed. Otherwise a shorter tab is included in the booklet to the Folkways CD ‘In Sacred Trust’ , the Tuning reads from the 5th string: E/AACD. Bass string is tuned down.
    The tab is found next to ‘John Greer’s Two-Step’. (handwritten by Fleming Brown I think).

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