Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What does SALUD stand for?

A: Scholar Academy for Latinxs United for Diversity.  In Spanish, “salud” means “health”.

Q: What is Latinx?

A: Latinx (pronounced “La-TEEN-ex”) is a gender-inclusive way of referring to people of Latin American descent.  Click here for more information on this term.

Q: What are the dates of SALUD?

A: The (subject to change) dates of SALUD 2022 are:

  1. Orientation & Bull City’s Health (Feb. 26)
  2. Racism in Healthcare (Mar. 12)
  3. Mental Health (Mar. 19)
  4. Environmental and Food Justice (Apr. 9)
  5. Healthy Lifestyles (Apr. 23)
  6. Sexual and Reproductive Health (Apr. 30)
  7. Healthy Relationships (May 14)
  8. Farmworker Health (May 28)

Q: Where does SALUD take place?

A: This year (2022), SALUD will be conducted virtually via Zoom.


Q: What are the hours of the program?

A: In 2022, SALUD will run on Saturdays from 1:00pm – 5:00pm.

Q: Does SALUD cost anything?

A: Besides providing your own internet connection, SALUD is FREE.

Q: Why should I apply?

A: You should apply if your Latinidad influences your career goals and aspirations.  If you want to learn more about Durham’s Latinx community, health disparities, community resources, advocacy, and social justice, all while participating in experiences that you otherwise would not have until health professional school, then SALUD is a good fit for you.

Q: Can’t I learn about these things or meet healthcare professionals as a normal student in high school?

A: Yes, but SALUD offers these experiences in settings that provide cultural context.   Class instruction that addresses a student’s background and highlights cultural capital are effective and necessary.


Q: Do I need to be fluent in Spanish?

A: No, although when interacting with standardized patients, there may be opportunities to practice your Spanish. Our orientation is currently being planned to be in Spanish, so that parents can participate!

Q: What does the application consist of?

A: The application is submitted online.  It consists of student demographic information and two (2) short essays.

Q: When is the application due?

A: Midnight Monday, February 21th, 2022

Q: How many SALUD Scholars are chosen?

A: For 2022, up to 30 Scholars will be selected from all over Durham, NC.  Student age will range from 10th-12th grade.

Q: This sounds great, how do I apply?!

A: https://duke.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6PA9hTkG4gzFsEe


Q: I am an undergraduate/graduate student and want to be involved.  Is that possible?

A: Yes! Please email salud.scholars@gmail.com to get involved.


Q: What if I have more questions?

A: Email Dr. Tony Fuller at Anthony.fuller@duke.edu