SALUD Sessions 9 and 10: Trauma, Bicultural Stress, and Substance Use Disorders

Not many pictures to post this time, but there’ll be more next time for sure! In session 9, students dove deeper into Adverse Childhood Events (ACE) and biculturalism. They explored how these stressors are linked (#correlationnotcausation) to negative coping strategies such as substance abuse and further delved into the devastating effects the war on drugs has forced upon communities of color. Dr. Jewel Scott from the School of Nursing and Hyun Namkoong from the NC Justice Center led these discussions, followed by student reflection and identity mapping of their personal and bicultural strengths.

In session 10 we workshopped their personal statement!! This is a challenge that can really make or break a college application and our students were able to get a headstart on the process. It was inspiring to learn more about their stories and get them to start thinking about how much they have to offer these historically exclusive institutions. In addition to learning more about interprofessional teams in medicine, they also got to think about and troubleshoot challenges that first-generation students face when starting their first semesters. Hopefully they feel more prepared as they wrap up the academic year and become seniors!

Next session we will focus more specifically on farmworker health and challenge our students to design and present a proposal for a comprehensive clinic/community center for farm-workers in rural NC. They will be utilizing all the knowledge and skills gained throughout the semester without mentor help, and present to a panel of community members and advocates. Excited to see what they come up with!

Last but not least, here’s our new Duke-official website!

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