We would like to recognize the following residents who will be presenting research, or have their research presented, at the SOA Annual Meeting this weekend in Naples, FL:
Andrew P. Matson, MD:
- Harley & Betty Baxter Resident Award: Obesity Predicts Lower Risk Of Wound Complications Following Open Reduction And Internal Fixation Of Ankle Fractures
- Percutaneous Treatment Of Unstable Scaphoid Waist Fractures

Brian T. Nickel, MD:
- Quartets Of Elastic Stable Intramedullary Nails In Pediatric Femur Fractures
- Lingering Hips: Bariatric Surgery Prior To Total Hip Arthroplasty

Matthew Crawford, MD: Ethnic Variation In Appearance Concerns In Patients With Idiopathic Scoliosis
Travis J. Dekker, MD:
- Subtalar Arthrodesis In Patients With Avascular Necrosis Of The Talus
- Ankle And Adjacent Joint Motion After Total Ankle Replacement

Joseph J. Kavolus, MD, MSCR: Intellectual Stimulation And Other Self-Reported Factors Influencing Resident Fellowship Choices

Lindsay T. Kleeman, MD: Impact Of Timing To Revision Of A Metal-On-Metal Hip Bearing

Mitchell R. Klement, MD (presented by Brian T. Nickel, MD): Enhanced Recovery Pathway After TKA: Decreased Length Of Stay, Increased Satisfaction

Kendall E. Bradley, MD: Tranexamic Acid Versus Aminocaproic Acid In Joint Arthroplasty: A RCT

William A. Byrd, MD: Culture Duration In Periprosthetic Joint Infection: One Versus Two Weeks

Beau J. Kildow, MD (presented by Nathan L. Grimm, MD): Comparison of MRI Measurements Between Male and Female First Time Patellar Dislocators