Triad Regional Program 2023

Forum Info 2022-2023
February 25th, 2022 — Guilford County | Greensboro, NC
March 17th, 2022 — Randolph County| Asheboro, NC
April 12th, 2022 — Alamance County | Graham, NC
May 18th, 2022 — Guilford County | High Point, NC
June 10th, 2022 — Davidson County |Lexington, NC
Triad Regional Report
Although North Carolinians have always had significant political differences, they have historically exhibited a practical, problem-solving mindset to politics. However, the tenor of the times has become highly partisan, and like many other states, North Carolina finds itself sharply divided. Although some progress has been made in enabling constructive engagement across parties, progressive and conservative leaders often depend on different media and social media outlets, operate with different facts and beliefs, and don’t often enough engage substantively with people with whom they disagree. Too often leaders assume the worst about the motives of members of the other party. For these reasons, our leaders are less willing and able to work together to create widely embraced solutions and opportunities for our state and its people. Our aim is to continue to help bridge this divide.
The North Carolina Leadership Forum (NCLF) seeks to create constructive engagement between North Carolina government, business, and non-profit policy leaders across party lines, ideologies, professional experiences, and regional perspectives. A program of Duke University, NCLF has been bringing together cohorts of NC leaders since 2015. Building on the success of our original statewide program, NCLF facilitated four regional programs on the topic of adequate housing, two in Spring 2022 and two in Spring 2023. Because many state leaders start out as local leaders, NCLF views expanding its regional offerings as part of a long-term strategy to impact the political environment of the State. The program also offers regional leaders a chance to grow and develop their skills to have a greater impact on local public policy needs.
The 2022 Triad North Carolina Leadership Forum addressed the topic of housing, asking: How can we increase access to adequate housing in the Triad region of North Carolina?
Daniel Briggs, President, Davidson Funeral Homes
Linda Brown, Asheboro Chamber of Commerce
Eddie Burks, Asheboro City Council
Algenon Cash, Wharton Gladden & Co*
Kay Cashion, Guilford County Commissioner
Newell Clark, Mayor of Lexington
Greg Cox, Triad Bank of America President
Jason Ewing, Mungo Homes
Michael Fox, Chair of the NC Board of Transportation
Yazmin Rico Garcia, Director of Latino Policy and Strategy at NCDHHS
Nancy Gottovi, Executive Director STARworks*
Patrick Harman, Executive Director, Hayden-Harman Foundation
Deena Hayes-Greene, Racial Equity Institute; Guilford County Board of Education
Hank Henning, Former Guilford County Commissioner*
Merald Holloway, Executive Director, NC 100
Melanie Jennings, Communications Consultant; Former McCrory and Burr staff
Jon Lowder, President, TREBIC; former ED Piedmont Triad Apartment Association
Omar Lugo, Chair, Alamance County GOP*
Harold Martin, Chancellor NC A&T State University*
Joel McClosky, Owner Four Saints Brewing
Jose Oliva, Deputy Chief of Staff, Guilford County Schools*
Robert Powell, NC A&T Architecture Professor; Chair, Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro Housing Committee
Kristen Powers, Executive Director, Benevolence Farm
Paula Rakestraw, Rockingham School Board
Jason Ramey, District Attorney, Rockingham County
LeAndra Ratliff, Director, Program Services Burlington Housing Authority; Chair, Burlington Chamber of Commerce
Jennifer Talley, Mayor of Graham
Jay Wagner, Mayor of High Point*
Goldie Wells, Greensboro City Council
Josie Williams, Executive Director, GSO Housing Coalition
Ed Wilson, Superior Court Judge*