NCLF Cohort Reports
For our democracy to succeed, policy leaders must be able to work together to create broadly acceptable solutions to our state’s greatest challenges.
This year’s group of NC leaders addressed important concerns related to health care in NC. They found some solutions they agreed on, some that were
negotiable, and some about which they had very significant disagreements. In the process, participants came to understand what values, experiences and
perceptions lay under their disagreements, and they came to trust, respect, and perhaps even like each other.
Even in these politically fractious times, it is possible to bring together a widely diverse group of policy leaders and provide them the opportunity to gain the
will, skills, and relationships that will enable them to constructively engage with each other in the future. NCLF has provided, and should continue to provide,
this opportunity to North Carolina’s leaders.
Statewide Reports
What role should choice play in North Carolina elementary and secondary education, and what array of educational options should the state fund in order to provide a quality education for every child?
How should North Carolina and North Carolinians respond to the opportunities and challenges of immigration?” In response to COVID-19, NCLF changed our question to be “How Should North Carolina respond to COVID-19?”
Community Safety 2024
Regional Housing Reports
How can we increase access to adequate housing the Lower Cape Fear region of North Carolina?
How can we increase access to adequate housing the Triangle region of North Carolina?
How can we increase access to adequate housing the the Western region of North Carolina?