The North Carolina Leadership Forum
The North Carolina Leadership Forum
NCLF provides an opportunity for civic, business and political leaders from across North Carolina to discuss issues central to the future of our state. The Forum provides a venue for North Carolina leaders to discuss the nature of the challenges, to understand different points of view about how to address them, and to advance mutually acceptable solutions that improve the lives of North Carolinians
The forum is a program of the Office of the Provost at Duke University, and is jointly funded by the Duke Endowment, the John William Pope Foundation, and the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation. Additionally, the generous support of donors also enables us to engage more leaders and expand the reach of the program.
NCLF provides an opportunity for civic, business and political leaders from across North Carolina to discuss issues central to the future of our state. The Forum provides a venue for North Carolina leaders to discuss the nature of the challenges, to understand different points of view about how to address them, and to advance mutually acceptable solutions that improve the lives of North Carolinians
The forum is a program of the Office of the Provost at Duke University, and jointly funded by the Duke Endowment, the John William Pope Foundation, and the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation.
My view on specific issues maybe hasn’t changed but my approach in how to have those one-on-one hard conversations with individuals has. [The] key is to be relational, approachable, and LISTEN.
My view on specific issues maybe hasn’t changed but my approach in how to have those one-on-one hard conversations with individuals has. [The] key is to be relational, approachable, and LISTEN.
A Message From NCLF Co-Chairs, John Hood and Leslie Winner
NCLF was established in 2015 by Leslie Winner and John Hood in partnership with the Duke Sanford School of Public Policy. John and Leslie, a Conservative and a Liberal respectively, came together after noticing the vitriolic energy within the state; no longer could parties reach across the aisle to create constructive and generative discussion.
A Message From NCLF Co-Chairs, John Hood and Leslie Winner
NCLF was established in 2015 by Leslie Winner and John Hood in partnership with the Duke Sanford School of Public Policy. John and Leslie, a Conservative and a Liberal respectively, came together after noticing the vitriolic energy within the state; no longer could parties reach across the aisle to create constructive and generative discussion.
NCLF is led by a steering committee of 9 members who carefully engineer a program which brings mid-level legislative, non-profit, and business leaders together. During 4-5 sessions, participants gather to understand how they conceptualize a certain issue from their own perspective. By sharing stories, articulating important values, actively listening, and by spending time together, they leave with a greater ability to influence North Carolina. So far, NCLF has tackled jobs, energy, education, immigration, and COVID-19 while continuing to expand each year with a new theme.
Read more about our Steering Committee here and read about our programs here.