Sometimes, you may end up creating multiple tables on a single worksheet, where the structure is the same, but they are separate reports.  Consider a case where you may have two different divisions reporting monthly expenses.

Most users use AutoSum to calculate the totals but calculate the totals separately for each table.  In the monthly expenses case mentioned above, each calculation of totals and subtotals are performed separately for each division (table).


In our example (Figure 1), there are 2 Divisions, Northeast and Southeast.  You are to calculate all the YTD Totals for the employees, and the monthly totals.



Use the AutoSum feature by selecting areas in both tables, instead of one table at a time.


  1. Select the data and totals cells on both tables (non-contiguous)
    1. NE Division:  Select cells C6 to G10
    2. SE Division:  Select cells C14 to G18 (Use the CTRL key to select SE,
      non-contiguous table cells)
  2. Click on the AutoSum ∑ button on the ribbon/toolbar (Home or Formulas Tab).