Jesus: IMDb
IMDb’s page on Jesus with details of full cast and crew, etc.
Filmchat: Jesus (1999)
Peter Chattaway’s posts about Jesus. See especially Review: Jesus (dir. Roger Young, 1999)
Bible Films Blog: Jesus
Matt Pages’s posts about Jesus.
NT Pod 74: Jesus The Movie (1999)
My podcast about the Jesus film.
Jesus Films Podcast: Jesus (1999)
Matt Page’s podcast episode about the Jesus film.
Jesus — The Mini-Series (CBS, May 14 and 17, 2000): A Review Article
W. Barnes Tatum (The Fourth R 13-14, July-August 2000)
Hollywood Jesus: Jesus
By David Bruce: garish and dated website (from 2000) that nevertheless features several useful features including Differences between the CBS and International Version and an Interview with Lorenzo Minoli (executive producer)
Where can find Jesus?
- The film is not currently included in any of the video streaming facilities (Netflix, Hulu, etc.) but it is available on Amazon Instant Video.
- There are two different versions of this film, the American (or “CBS”) version, which is 176 minutes long and the International (European) version, which is three hours long.
- The cheapest and easiest version to get hold of, especially if you are in America, is the following (Amazon): Jesus DVD. It is a vanilla release (one disc; no special features).
- There is currently no blu-ray release.
- You can order the longer international version here (Amazon UK): The Bible – Jesus [DVD]