Official Monty Python Youtube Page
Features seven high quality clips of the film:
Life of Brian: IMDb Page
IMDb’s entry on Life of Brian featuring full cast, crew etc.
Bible Films Blog: Life of Brian
Posts on Matt Page’s Bible Films Blog about Life of Brian.
NT Blog: Life of Brian
Posts on my blog about Life of Brian.
Jesus and Brian Conference (KIng’s College, London, 2014)
In June 2014, King’s College London hosted a conference on the Life of Brian. It includes Richard Burridge interviewing John Cleese and Terry Jones. You can watch the entire conference on Youtube here:
Steven A. Benko, “Ironic Faith in Monty Python’s Life of Brian,” Journal of Religion & Film: Vol. 16: Iss. 1, Article 6.
James G. Crossley, “Life of Brian or Life of Jesus? Uses of Critical Biblical Scholarship and Non-orthodox Views of Jesus in Monty Python’s Life of Brian,” Relegere 1/1 (2011)
Tim Noble, ‘”He’s not the Messiah!”: Two negative film Christologies Life of Brian and The Passion of the Christ,’ Communio Viatorum 51/1 (2009), pp.89-105
Sarah Prime, “And now for something completely different: Brianology Comes of Age; or, What Have the Pythons Done for Us?”, Marginalia Review of Books November 11 2014
New York Times Review
By Vincent Canby (1979)
Where can I get hold of Life of Brian?
- The film is not currently available on any of the streaming video services.
- The film occasionally turns up on TV. In the UK, you probably need to keep an eye on Channel 4.
- Recommended version: Monty Python’s Life Of Brian – The Immaculate Edition: two disc DVD choc-full of special features and pretty cheap (ignore the note on Amazon that says “Special Features: None” — it is wrong).
- There are many clips from the film available on Youtube, including seven on the official Monty Python Youtube channel (see above).
- It is pretty straightforward to get hold of unofficial versions.