CHEM 118 Syllabus
Lecture Videos
Lab Videos
This 5-credit hour, 1-semester lecture/lab course is design specifically for nursing majors at Saint Mary’s College. The course is challenging and fast-paced and covers chemistry topics most interesting and useful for pre-health professionals.
Features of CHEM 118 include:
No 50-minute lectures!
Students in CHEM 118 will never sit through more than 10 minutes of lecture at a time. In this course, students are actively engaged in learning through guided inquiry and group problem solving.
Lecture Videos for every topic. Never miss a class, even if you’re not in class!
All activities are accompanied by You Tube video support so that students can repeat information after class for deeper understanding or students can catch up in case of absence. In addition, Dr. Haas has more than 10 hours of office hours per week. You can sign up for a personal appointment with her using her google calendar or you can come to weekly problem sessions.
Extreme training in critical thinking & problem solving.
If you are a student in CHEM 118 get ready to learn in a different way than you have in the past. In this class, the path to success is through practice, not by passive listening or even through note-taking. This is why we will be solving problems in class rather than listening to lecture. Applying your knowledge to solve problems is the only way to succeed. It is important to practice every day and to get help immediately if you are struggling. There are several resources that will help you succeed:
- Your professor! This is your primary resource for advice and help with understanding problems. Click here to make an appointment with Dr. Haas.
- Tutoring! There are several weekly tutoring sessions available. Check your Bb site for details.
- Your textbook! I have chosen this textbook because it it customized to pre-health students, like you! You will need to crack the cover & use it to do well in this class. Read and do ALL the problems (not joking!).
- Sapling Learning daily homework assignments keep you accountable for your success, give you instant feedback on your performance, and help guide you through problem solving. In addition, Sapling assignments give you practice at reading comprehension, a critical skill for your career as a student.
- Class activities and related lecture videos are designed to help you through the material in this course and complement each section of your textbook. All activities and video links are available, in chronological order, on the CHEM118 Blackboard site. In addition all videos are linked to each other in a learning “web” so that you’ll be able to review important information in a timely fashion with the click of a button!
- Pre-lab videos, (under construction) to help you make the connection between lecture & lab.