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CHEM 431: Advanced Inorganic Chemistry

This is a course designed for advanced Chemistry Majors at Saint Mary’s College.  This course begins by delving deep into fundamental theories of Inorganic Chemistry including Symmetry & Group Theory, Molecular Orbital Theory of Multi-Ligand Systems, and Crystal Field Theory.  These theories are then applied to understand absorbance and vibration spectroscopies.  The course finishes with exploration of selected Frontiers of Inorganic Research; Organometallic Chemistry, Inorganic Materials Chemistry & Biological Inorganic Chemistry.

CHEM 431 Syllabus

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=videoseries?list=PLsLgQpIc_XcnHFsKpkHvANW3rivRBwMFq]

Features of CHEM 431 Include:

A flipped classroom!  Course content is delivered using YouTube videos.
All content is delivered through reading assignments and Lecture Videos.  Simple homework problem sets accompany each reading & video assignment.  Delivery of content with lecture videos allows students to learn at their own pace while reserving valuable class time for deeper learning.  Class time is reserved for difficult problem solving through group work and discussion.

In and Out-of-Class Problems Sets
Problem sets are strategically designed to help point out and to reinforce important concepts from reading & video lectures.  Out-of class problems sets will be relatively simple for students who complete reading and video assignments.  More difficult problems are reserved for class time when your instructor and classmates are available to guide problem-solving strategies and can help you overcome misconceptions.

Dive into something that fascinates you!
The class will end with a student poster session.  Each student will pick a cutting edge research topic to present to the class.  Students may chose any research article covering a topic related to course content published in the last 5 years.  Students are encouraged to pursue topics that make them excited!  Through this project students apply course knowledge to understand important topics in research, practice critical reading of scientific literature and gain experience at creating and presenting a “simulated” professional research poster.