Embedded Courses – Spring 2020

AMES 240S: Games and Culture (Leo Ching & Shai Ginsburg)
TTh 10:05 am – 11:20 am, Link Classroom 6

AMES 438S/549S: Techno-Orientalism, (Nayoung Aimee Kwon).
Th 04:40 pm –  07:10 pm, Link Classroom 6

ARTHIST 225.001: Gothic Cathedrals(Edward Triplett).
Tue 3:05 pm – 4:20 pm, Link Classroom 6

ARTHIST 225.01L: Gothic Cathedrals (Edward Triplett).
Thu 3:05 pm – 4:20 pm, Link Classroom 6

ARTHIST 315.001: Mapping History With Gis (Edward Triplett)
 M 10:05 am – 12:35 pm, Link Classroom 6

ISS 125L: Foundations of Game Design (Marshall Miller)
MW 4:40 pm – 5:55 pm, Link Classroom 6

ISS 270S: Constructing Immersive Virtual Worlds (Augustus Wendell)
W 10:05 am – 12:35 pm, Link Classroom 6

Affiliated Courses – Spring 2010

VMS 190S-03: Film, Concerts, Gaming: Gender – Music by American Women (Dayton Kinney).
WF  11:45 AM – 1:00 PM, Biddle 101 

Embedded Courses – Fall 2019

AMES476S: Archiving and Visualizing Asia (Nayoung Aimee Kwon)
TuTh 1:25 pm – 2:40 pm, Languages 312

AMES 576S: Archiving and Visualizing Asia: Politics of Poetics of Knowledge Production (Nayoung Aimee Kwon)
TuTh 1:25 pm – 2:40 pm, Languages 312

Affiliated Courses – Fall 2019

ISS320: Introduction to Programming and User Interface Design in Unity3D (David J. Zielinski )
Tu 4:55PM-7:25PM, Link Classroom 6 

PSY258: Decision Neuroscience (Scott Huettel)
MW 10:05AM-11:20AM, Perkins 088

DECSCI/PSY141 101: Fundamentals of Decision Science (Rosa Li)
MW 10:05AM-11:20AM, Old Chem 116.

Embedded Courses – Spring 2019 

AMES 455S: The World of Gaming (Nayoung Aimee Kwon) 
Tu 03:05 PM-05:35 PM, Link Classroom 6 

AMES 495: Collaborative Research: Game Lab
Please email Shai Ginsburg (shai.ginsburg@duke.edu) for details.

Embedded Courses – Fall 2018

AMES 440S Games and Culture (Leo Ching & Shai Ginsburg)
W 01:25 PM-03:55 PM, Franklin Center 230