A Brief Guide to Folio Apps
FOLIO is an app-based system – different apps will show up at the top of the browser screen, depending on what your library role is.
Each app listed below is being actively developed, but it may be earlier or later on in the process.
- Agreements: E-resources or packages would be managed here as agreement lines. Manage relationship between licenses and agreements.
- Check-in: Check-in and routing items for circulation (different from check-in for acquisitions/receiving.)
- Check-out: Check-out physical items for patrons.
- Data Import: Used for importing data records.
- eHoldings: Connects to the EBSCO KB API. Allows librarians to search KBs, add/remove packages/titles to/from holdings, and manage coverage dates, etc. (Because Duke uses Serials Solutions, this app is likely not to be implemented.)
- eUsage: Supports display of e-usage data from providers such as GOBI or EBSCO. Can view COUNTER reports via an aggregator using SUSHI credentials as well as allowing users to enter basic usage data for non-COUNTER compliant vendors.
- Inventory: Instance, holding and item records for physical items and some electronic records (not sure about electronic?)
- Invoice: Manage invoices which link to purchase order lines in Orders.
- Finance: Manage budgets using structure that includes Ledgers, Funds, Groups, Budgets, Fiscal Years.
- Licenses: Manage license records including terms, amendments contacts. Can link to agreements.
- Orders: Manage orders and receiving of orders.
- Organizations: Manage data about organizations (vendors.) This is where vendor data is managed for payment of invoices for orders.
- Requests: Managing requests for items (holds/pages/recalls.)
- Codex Search: The Codex app is meant to provide a way to search all FOLIO records at once by providing a interface for normalized searching and drill-down. In early/active development.
- Users:Managing patron accounts and staff accounts. IDM info, contact info, connection to patron history, fines/fees, permissions for library staff.
- Settings: Configuration options for individual apps and for the FOLIO installation as a whole.
I’ll take FOLIO for $1000, Alex
FOLIO Fun Fact:
Did you know that Emma Boettcher, the Jeopardy contestant who unseated James Holzhauer is a Product Owner for circulation functions in FOLIO? Here is a great article on her, and on FOLIO.