In this issue:
Save the Date!
FOLIO Community Working Meeting
Steering Group Update
Feature Prioritization and Gap Analysis Results
Library Systems and Integration Support Update
Thinking about Testing
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Bee Facts
Save The Date!
The Steering Group will be hosting a FOLIO forum on Monday, August 12 at 10:00 a.m. in the Holsti-Anderson Family Assembly Room (Rubenstein 153). All library staff are invited. An agenda will be forthcoming.
FOLIO Community Working Meeting, Crystal City, VA, June 17-19
The FOLIO community has scheduled a working meeting in June. Many of the special interest groups will be taking advantage of this face-to-face time where more can be done than over conference calls. A few of the topics will be discussing strategic plans and road maps, sharing implementation plans between institutions, and working on functional and technical requirements. Around ten library staff from Duke will be attending. Once the final schedule has been created, we’ll share it with you. Look for a recap of the meeting from the Duke attendees in the next newsletter.
Steering Group Update
The Steering Group is starting to plan a FOLIO Forum to be held this summer: the agenda and the date will be forthcoming.
Last month, we discussed the FOLIO Community Working Meeting, who would attend, and what Duke needs from this face-to-face opportunity.
Karen is now the convener for the FOLIO Implementers Group, which includes a primary contact from each institution that is planning to implement FOLIO over the next year. It’s a group to discuss documentation and how it will be presented, what progress each institution is making toward their implementation, and to share ideas and tools to help each other. You can read the about the FOLIO Implementers Group here and find the minutes, members, and details on the members’ implementations.
Feature Prioritization and Gap Analysis Results
Our Business Analysts, with help from local stakeholders, completed the feature prioritization and gap analysis. They reviewed 468 features on the list prepared by the FOLIO Project Manager. We held multiple meetings with stakeholders to make decisions on what is needed at the time we go-live vs. what could wait, or what we won’t need. After the feature prioritization was done, they reviewed the notes they’ve taken from interviews they’ve conducted, read through hundreds of documented FOLIO issues, listened in on SIG meetings, and created a list of 99 features that Duke gaps that were not clearly stated in any of the existing FOLIO documentation. Some of those gaps that were identified were issues that other institutions had assumed would be included, but were not clearly defined in the available documentation. Other gaps identified are Duke-specific and we will be following up to be sure they’re included in future development.
Library Systems and Integration Support Update
The staff in LSIS have been balancing work on FOLIO with other projects such as the authorities process and reports that have been requested. Our Business Analysts, Erin, Jackie, and Julie, have continued with interviewing staff about their workflows. Matt, our Data Analyst, has been working on the authorities project with Tech Services and creating reports. Over the next few weeks, he will shift his focus to working on data migration mapping from Aleph to FOLIO. Jeff, our developer, has been working on installing FOLIO and all the associated pieces in preparation for working with Jack Hill (Core Services) to be able to easily create multiple FOLIO servers. Jeff has also started work on writing the code to extract data from Aleph to load into FOLIO. He and Matt will work together to be sure the data manipulations in the current extract are documented for our subject matter experts. All this in anticipation of having a Duke copy of FOLIO running for you to use! Our goal is to have a test server for you with Duke data before school starts in August.
Thinking about Testing
By Jackie Gottlieb, Business Analyst, Library Systems and Integration Support
While testing our implementation of FOLIO may not be on most minds yet, the preparation has begun. Effective testing is key to a successful project. In order to effectively test, we need to know what to test and have a plan on how we will perform the tests. It begins with the interviews being conducted. We are learning your roles, processes, and needs that are translated into expectations and business requirements. For each requirement to be met, there are typically numerous criteria to fulfill. These are called “acceptance criteria” and also serve as Test Cases that require one or more steps to perform as part of the test.
An example of a business requirement is, “As a FOLIO user, font size, style, and color must be configurable by me so that it meets my visual screen needs.” Acceptance Criteria includes, “Font style, size, and color is accessible by user.” ”It can be individually changed by each user.” “Font changes are saved and remain in that same configuration each time user logs in.” Test steps would be, “Log in,” “click on the Font button,” “select and change STYLE,” etc…
As we contact you for your interview, you are helping with this process by openly sharing what you do and how you do it. Thank you each of you who have greatly helped with this process and those who will soon be contacted for interviews.
We are currently exploring testing options and anticipate a plan in place in the coming months. Stay tuned for part II when we share decisions how testing will be performed and how you will be able to participate.
Watch This!
Upcoming Folio Forum: Roadmap and Bellis Release Demo
Wednesday, May 29 11:00 a.m.
Room Bostock 024 is reserved for viewing this event, or you may register at the link above to watch on your own.
Description: The FOLIO development continues to move forward, and in April FOLIO introduced the Bellis release. In this forum, you will hear an update on the development roadmap and see a demo of some of the FOLIO Library Services Platform apps. Harry Kaplanian will present deliverables of the roadmap and projections on development in functional areas while Theodor Tolstoy and Lisa Sjogren will show the apps from the perspective of the Chalmers University installation. Presenters: – Harry Kaplanian, Senior Director of Product Management, Software Services, EBSCO Information Services – Theodor Tolstoy, FOLIO Lead Implementation Consultant, EBSCO Information Services – Lisa Sjogren, Librarian, Chalmers University Please use the hashtag #FOLIOforum on social media for these events.