FOLIO@Duke Newsletter v. 1 no. 2
The FOLIO@Duke Newsletter is a communications tool intended to keep staff abreast of news, schedules and important information regarding the development and implementation of FOLIO at Duke. We will regularly convey four main cornerstones of the project in each newsletter. Those cornerstones are Steering Group Updates, highlights of the project’s driving values and road map, discussion of FOLIO design and functionality, and updates about Duke’s migration activities and timeline.
In this issue:
FOLIO SIGs | Steering Group Update | Watch This! | Bee Facts |
FOLIO Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
Thank you to all who have served on the various SIGs and SIG Subgroups! Your work helps make sure Duke’s needs are met by FOLIO.
Special Collections Working Group
Steering Group Update
The Data Retreat was held on February 11, and included participants from across the Duke University Libraries, facilitators, and representatives from technical services from the Goodson Law Library and the Ford Library. The focus was creating a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) for DUL owned catalog, acquisitions, patron, and circulation data. We discussed data standards that are currently in use, challenges we face when data we receive is inconsistent, and the importance of having the systems external to our ILS having access to consistent data. There was agreement that it was time well spent and that another retreat should be held.
Watch This!
Folio Year in Review:
The leaders of the FOLIO project review highlights from the year past and discuss what they’re looking forward to in 2019.
Folio Roadmap Update
Presenter: Harry Kaplanian
Harry Discusses the FOLIO decision making of organizing the Jira issues for the project as well as lays out a FOLIO Milestones chart (at 18:24) with the planned releases up to Q2 2020.