Author Archives: Glenn Setliff

Managing Your Laptop Battery

May 10, 2021 I wondered why that baseball was getting bigger … then it hit me. We’re all using our laptops more frequently, in more places and in more ways than ever before.  One of the most common complaints that our users have with their laptops relate to batteries.  From a hot battery, to overheating… Read More »

Duke Health Password Policy Update

April 26, 2021 A bus station is where a bus stops.  A train station is where a train stops.  A computer workstation is where … hey, wait a minute … The research is out.  Nationally recognized standards suggest that short complex passwords, even if they are frequently changed, are less secure.  Duke is evolving its… Read More »

Take a Break From Your Studies …

April 19, 2021 Never trust atoms.  They make up everything. Welcome to a SON-IT end-of-semester tradition – a study break designed for our students. Here’s what we have for you this semester – Each team member selected: a location to which we would like to travel when the pandemic is officially over; a favorite tune… Read More »

Information for New Graduates

April 12, 2021 My computer once beat me at chess, but at kick-boxing?  It wasn’t even close. Graduating this semester? Congratulations!  You are completing your degree from one of the top nursing programs in the country. Below are common questions we hear from graduating students and steps we recommend that you take now so that you are… Read More »

On-site Use of Social Media

April 5, 2021 I’ll bet Bill Gates wishes he had a penny for every time I’ve had to reboot my computer … Oh, wait.  He does. Having trouble connecting to your GMail account while on-site at Duke?  Here’s what you need to know… Today’s Monday Byte is a reminder to all students, faculty and staff … Read More »


Need software?  Work with us before you make a purchase so that we can confirm your selected software meets Duke’s requirements and that Duke doesn’t already have an alternative that does the same thing.  Here’s what you need to know: But first, here’s our Tech Tip of the Week … Understanding network bandwidth … Click… Read More »

Phishing Program Update

March 22, 2021 I was concerned about the heart patient they cooled to absolute zero.  He looks 0K now. Guest Author – today’s Monday Byte is provided by Gaylynn Fassler, an Information Security Analyst in the Duke Health Information Security Office.  Gaylynn manages the monthly Phishing Exercise. Have you ever received an email and thought,… Read More »

MS Office 365 Tools

March 15, 2021 This sentence contains exactly threee erors. Your Duke Office 365 account provides you with some effective tools to help with your productivity and collaboration.  Here’s a quick look at the latest set of tools available with your Duke account – But first, here’s our Tech Tip of the Week … Where do… Read More »

Your DUSON Data Storage Options

You have lots of storage options for your DUSON data.  Here’s what you need to know: But first, here’s our Tech Tip of the Week – Here are some common signs of a phishing email: Grammatical errors – most commercial emails will have had several levels of editorial review, so you should suspect an email with any errors… Read More »

The DUSON Sakai Shell

What do you get when you cross a joke with a rhetorical question? Our DUSON Ed Tech Team is working hard to convert all DUSON courses from the old Sakai shell to the new Sakai shell. Here’s what you need to know about our process. Oh, and don’t miss our new DUSON Sakai Shell Office… Read More »