Research Computing at DUSON

By | June 23, 2021

June 28, 2021

The number of people watching you is directly proportional to the stupidity of your action.

We have recently updated our DUSON Research Computing document and we wanted to review the contents with you and share a link.  This document should answer most of your questions about research computing, the costs associated with hardware/software services and how to register for them.

But first, here is our Tech Tip of the Week …

You were phished last  week.  That’s right.  The ISO and SON-IT designed a phishing exercise specifically for the School of Nursing.

The good news?  Some of our users recognized this as a phish and reported it.

The bad news?  We had 125 DUSON users click the link.

Here are our stats:

  • Email was sent to 495 DUSON users
  • 128 (25.9%) clicked it
  • 100 (20.2%) users reported the phish
  • Resiliency Rate (# reporters/# clickers) – 0.8%

Need a refresher on how to spot a phish?  Click here for a link to an article written by the ISO on recognizing a phish.


The DUSON Research Computing document details how Duke University School of Nursing approves technology used for all research projects within the organization.  This process involves an understanding of how contracts, privacy and security concerns impact vendor, hardware and software technology selected for these projects.

DUSON researchers will indicate on their intent to submit form any need for the use of websites, apps, data storage and other technology needed for their research. The Center for Nursing Research will partner with and refer them to the Assistant Dean for Information Technology for consultation with SON-IT. The SON-IT office will work with the faculty to obtain central approval, thereby creating a more efficient process for those who require technology for their projects.

Contents of the Document

  • Research Project Technology Approval – Each project that uses any technology requires approval from DUSON with consultation and guidance from a number of Duke Health offices, including the Information Security Office, contracts and privacy.  We encourage all researchers to receive approval of their technology approval before moving forward with purchases.  This will save time in ensuring Duke’s requirements are met.
  • Web and Mobile Application Development – There are a number of ways to implement mobile and web-based application development.  Duke has very strict requirements related to any cloud-based, web and mobile application development and will not approve any use of technologies that have not been completely vetted and reviewed.  We’ll help you navigate through the options.
  • Data Storage Options – Duke Health offers a wide variety of storage options, including some exciting new cloud-based services.  We are no longer limited to our SED folders.  In fact, DUSON researchers are among the first at Duke Health to take advantage of these new storage options.
  • Using PACE – Duke Health’s Protected Analytics Computing Environment (PACE) is required for all storage and research analysis of Duke EHR data.  DUSON researchers are using PACE in increasing numbers and, as in data storage options, we are actively exploring and pushing the limits of the technology available within PACE.

Accessing the Document

You can access the latest version of this document in the DUSON Researchers Sakai Site, managed by the Center for Nursing Research.

Missing our Campus?

This week’s Duke Photo of the Week is Southgate Dorm Student Bench located on East Campus in the freshman living space.

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