The road to COP 28 has been quite intriguing. As a health-majoring student, the climate space was quite novel. The lectures in class have been instrumental in familiarizing me with the UNFCCC context and the tracks around the climate issue. For instance, I had no idea what carbon markets meant before these classes. The most exciting component of the course is securing clients who will provide your focus during the overwhelming conference as you assist them in achieving their deliverables. I managed to have three clients: The United Republic of Tanzania (home country), the Global Climate and Health Alliance (GCHA), and RTI International.

A few months before COP28, I  worked closely with GCHA, which offered a comprehensive orientation on the role of health workers/ researchers/ organizations throughout recent years. It was vital to discovering my place in the scheme of the UNFCCC. It was also a great opportunity to e-network with interested health & climate enthusiasts from different universities, organizations, and countries. Meanwhile, I recognized my prospecitve tasks for COP28: tracking negotiations, daily health briefings/ meetings, and party outreach. The theme I will primarily focus is “Loss and Damage.” This however, doesn’t mean I will not attend other thematic conversations.

I have learned a great deal this semester. And while COP28 still remains a labyrinth of many ideas/interests/people, I look forward to seeing what my 14 days in Dubai will turn out to be.