Module 4: Groups, Pivots, and Joins

  1. Videos
  2. Textbook (supplemental)
  3. Homework (Due Sunday 9/19, late 9/20)
    1. Part 1a: Groups
    2. Part 1b: Pivot Tables
    3. Part 2: Joins
  4. Group Worksheet
  5. Lab 04 (In containers, Due Friday 9/24)


Part 1a: Groups

  1. One Attribute Group (14:39)
  2. Cross Classification (11:08)
  3. Example 1 (Optional, 5:04)

Part 1b: Pivot Tables

  1. Pivot Tables (13:09)
  2. Example 2 (Optional, 5:35)
  3. Comparing Distributions (12:00

Part 2: Joins

  1. Joins (10:28)
  2. Bikes (9:41)
  3. Shortest Trips (4:59)
  4. Maps (9:36)


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