Module 3: Census, Charts, & Functions

  1. Videos
  2. Textbook (supplemental)
  3. Homework (Due Sunday 9/5, late 9/6)
    1. Homework 03 Part 1: Census & Charts
    2. Homework 03 Part 2: Histograms & Functions
  4. Group Worksheet
  5. Lab 03 (In Box folder if not in your container already)


Part 1: Census

  1. Census (6:59)
  2. Column Arithmetic (3:23)
  3. Accessing Values (6:04)
  4. Males and Females (7:13, Optional)

Part 2: Charts

  1. Line Graphs (11:40)
  2. Example 1 (4:31, Optional)
  3. Scatter Plots (7:28)
  4. Example 2 (6:15, Optional)
  5. How to Choose (2:15)
  6. Types of Data (3:58)
  7. Distributions (10:47)
  8. Example 3 (8:02)

Part 3: Histograms

  1. Area Principle (7:22)
  2. Binning (18:04)
  3. Example 1 (5:07, Optional)
  4. Drawing Histograms (13:06)
  5. Density (9:38)
  6. Example 2 (6:38, Optional)
  7. Example 3 (5:32, Optional)

Part 4a: Comparing Histograms

  1. Comparing Histograms (6:08)
  2. Comparing Histograms Discussion (2:48)

Part 4b: Functions

  1. Defining Functions (5:15)
  2. Defining Functions Discussion (8:04)
  3. Apply (3:30)
  4. Example Prediction (10:46)


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