Other Resources and Websites

David Boulton is an American Learning Activist, Documentary Film Producer, Writer and Lecturer. He has designed software for Apple, Pacific Bell and other organizations. Check out His Professional Biography on the Internet.

Children of the Code Project – Learning to Read – David Boulton, Website:  https://childrenofthecode.org

Learning Stewards, David Boulton, Website: https://learningstewards.org

Terry Thoren is the Founder and CEO of Wonder Media and a Producer of Animated Films for Education.

16 Habits of Mind animated videos. (Art Costa and Bena Kallick)

A Story Maker for students to create stories and videos.

Resources on subject areas and on mental health and well-being issues.

Wonder Media, Terry Thoren, Founder and CEO

Website:  www.habitsofmindkids.com

Thinking Skills and Key Concepts, Sandra Parks

Contact Critical Thinking Company for Thinking Skills for K-2 are books used in the research.