Historical Perspective – 1946-2022- Highlights
2022 – Present – Program in Education and AAGC at Duke received another Bass Grant to publish all research reports and resources for Educators and the public to include guidelines for districts to administer similar programs. Resources include: A Curriculum Implementation Guide; Curriculum Units for teachers and parents; Training videos and powerpoints for Administrators and Teachers.
Research Reports include twenty years of research on a K-2 Nurturing Program to Title I K-2 students across North Carolina supported by Local, State, Federal and Non-Profit funds. The mission was to increase opportunities for all students to have access to advanced strategies, behaviors and curriculum content based on best practices available. Results determined the most important component of the project is to provide the Thinking Skills Program by Parks and Black to all K-2 students as a basic literacy program. An additional component if funds are available would include the Gifted Behaviors Research. At the present time Wired for Learning has become the recommendation by AAGC and The Program in Education at Duke to consider for implementation to make the most differences in Closing the Achievement Gap.
1946 – 2022
1946 – Organized – New York – The American Association for Gifted Children
On September 6, 1946 The American Association for Gifted Children (AAGC) was founded because two friends, Dr. Ruth Strang and Miss Pauline Williamson believed that “the gifted were the most neglected children in our democracy.” These two pioneer educational leaders incorporated the first voluntary non-profit organization in the United States devoted exclusively to the needs of gifted, talented and creative children. Established in New York, Dr. Harold Clark, an educational leader and economist, was elected President and led the Association during the first twenty-five years. Charles Coburn, Actor, was named Honorary President. Steve Allen and Lee Salk were among the distinguished advisors for AAGC. AAGC incorporated in New York and was located at University of the State of New York. Purposes stated included:
- To recognize, appreciate, and stimulate creative work among gifted children.
- To review what is being done for gifted children.
- To organize a junior committee of gifted children.
- To visit schools and observe gifted children at work.
- To correspond with leaders in different fields, schools and industry, and to press for opportunities for gifted children.
- To foster the development of a clearer appreciation of the possibilities and capabilities of gifted children and to promote plans to further their interests.
- To encourage public sentiment in favor of plans to recognize gifted children at an early stage and to promote their welfare as individuals of a distinctive class.
- To publish writings, papers, books, pamphlets, periodicals and other publications for cultivating and fostering the purposes of the organization.
1964 – United States Presidential Scholars’ Program was established. (AAGC-1964-19
AAGC was awarded $1 million dollars annually from the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation to manage the Scholars’ Program and to participate in activities with the Presidential Scholars Foundation during a week of activities in Washington, DC where selected scholars met with senators and legislators, attended a performance by Scholars in the ARTS at the Kennedy Center and received a gold medallion from the President of the United States. Teachers were honored with an awards luncheon.
1975 – Mary Jane and Jerome A. Straka Scholarship established a scholarship for a student to study math, science or economics in college.
November 8, 1978 – Educational Testing Service Collaboration on a National Merit Awards Program in the Arts.
1979 – United States Presidential Scholars in the ARTS was established.
November 12, 1980 – Report of The Mary Jane and Jerome A. Straka Scholarship Committee
October 1981 – The 1964-1968 Presidential Scholars: A Follow-up Study, Felice A. Kaufmann, Exceptional Children Journal, October 1981. Pgs.164-169.
September 1984 – Jerome and Mary Jane Straka Letters on the Scholarship awarded to AAGC.
February 15, 1985 – Meeting with the National Association for Gifted Children – Savannah, GA
The meeting was held to discuss the merger of the two organizations. Unsuccessful outcome. Memorandum Report, April, 1985.
October 7, 1975 – White House Meeting
November 13-14, 1984 – Mental Health Task Force met in New York City.
November 1985 – Presidential Scholars Survey, Patricia Lund Casserly. AAGC, 1985. 31 pps.
1986 – 1989 – Affiliated with SENG at Wright State University – Dayton, Ohio – Dr. James T. Webb, President
The American Association for Gifted Children moved to Wright State University School of Professional Psychology in Dayton, Ohio in 1986. The identified purposes in state corporate papers were: “AAGC’s programs include research, offering grants, conducting seminars and workshops and publishing to stimulate and recognize efforts regarding gifted children. It works with the White House Office of Gifted and related associations in the field. Current efforts are in the areas of minority gifted and health care professionals, “to assist in nurturing the emotional and social development of gifted Black children.” A conference is held to focus on this group in 1987. The Association’s programs are designed to:
- Assist families in identifying and nurturing gifted and talented families;
- Engage others from the community to work on behalf of the gifted and talented;
- Emphasize special populations, most notably, underachievers, minority gifted and handicapped gifted;
- Support efforts of others to assure effective school programs; and
- Promote in-service education for professionals in various fields.
August 7-9, 1986 – Conference on “The Future is in Our Minds.”
Stouffer Dayton Plaza Hotel, Dayton, Ohio. Themes: Motivation – Minority Gifted – Vocational Planning – Gifted Adults
1987 – Developing a Project for Minority Gifted Children
AAGC developed a Strategic Plan for A Project on Minority Gifted, primarily to focus on gifted Black Children and to develop programs that could be replicated for other minority children. “It is necessary to increase local programs encouraging and helping family and community leaders to meet the needs of gifted Black children, and for developing national awareness of local efforts on behalf of these children.”
1989 – Duke University, Durham, NC —Dr. Robert Sawyer, Director – Talent Identification Program Affiliation
The American Association for Gifted Children incorporated in 1989 as a non-profit in North Carolina, without members or capital stock, and was located at Duke University, Durham, N. C. Identified purposes included:
- To foster a better understanding of the needs and capabilities of gifted children, to encourage research in the field of education and nurturing of gifted children, to recognize, appreciate, and stimulate creative work among gifted children, and to accomplish and encourage other related work relating to gifted children.
- To support, both directly and indirectly, the work and operations of public charities qualified under the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or the corresponding provisions of any future United States Internal Revenue Law.
1991 – Mary Jane and Jerome A. Straka Scholarship Fund assets were transferred to TIP from the New York Office. Selection criteria for the Fund were then reviewed and changed. The Straka Scholarship Fund now provides college scholarships to outstanding 4th year math and science students who attend the TIP Summer Residential Program or other advanced programs.
1995 – Dr. Irving Alexander was installed as President of AAGC. Dr. Alexander’s goals included: re-defining the mission, services and goals of AAGC and raising funds to make the organization independent, with a Consultant, Margaret Gayle to assist in developing a strategic plan for the Board.
1996 – Dr. Irving Alexander and Margaret Gayle organized a very successful panel discussion for the 1995 National Recognition Week; Presidential Scholars Program. AAGC, through a grant from the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation awarded 141 scholarships to outstanding graduating seniors across the nation. AAGC was the 1995 winner of the Jimmy Carter Award for Outstanding Contribution by an Organization.
The AAGC Board developed a Strategic Plan with the assistance of Margaret Gayle, Consultant,
1996 – Margaret Gayle was appointed Executive Director. Margaret Gayle and Dr. Vicki Stocking, TIP published a report on Gifted Preschoolers. A Preschool Brochure and Fact sheets were developed by Gayle and 90, 000 were mailed out to all stakeholders in North Carolina, with the help of TIP interns. Fact sheets were mailed, based on requests from the brochure.
AAGC’s mission and goals were aligned to support the focus on at risk populations.
January 1999 – AAGC was transferred at the request of Stephen Pfeiffer, Director, TIP at Duke to the Center for Child and Family Policy, SSRI under the Director, Dr. Ken Dodge. Dr. Irving Alexander remained as President and Margaret Gayle remained as Executive Director of AAGC.
June 16, 2000 – Planning Retreat – 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., Red Mill Building, Duke University. Andy Smith, Chair of Planning Committee and Margaret Gayle, Facilitator. Feedback on Major Issues from a variety of groups included: 1) lack of a program for gifted K-2 students; lack of support for precocious preschoolers; under-representation of minority students and children of poverty in advanced programs; and the number of students in alternative programs without service. Other professionals cited the lack of research or evaluation of the impact of the Governor’s Schools or other programs that specifically target gifted and talented students. A business plan was projected for years 2001-2003.
December 2001 – Duke received approval from Geraldine R. Dodge Funds for a Bright IDEA Pilot in collaboration with the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction: Exceptional Children and Closing the Gap Divisions. Bright IDEA focused on the under-representation of children from Minority and Title 1 populations in gifted programs.
April 2001 – Officers submitted a Draft Three Year Strategic Business Plan to the AAGC Board.
2004-2010 – US Department of Education, based on results of the Pilot, through the Javits Education Program, funded Bright IDEA for $2.5 Million. The fiscal agent was the Exceptional Children Division, North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. Valorie Hargett and Mary Watson were Principal Investigators and Margaret Gayle was named as the Project Manager. Dr. Ron Tzur served as Outside Evaluator and Dr. Rachel Kenney served as the Research Assistant. A final report was submitted to the US Department of Education, September 2010.
September 2006 – Dr. Seymour Mauskopf elected to serve as President, AAGC. Billy Peebles served as President from 2004-2006.
2010-2013 – A Scale-Up Version, continued in K-5 Title 1 schools in 5 school districts.
2011 – AAGC and The Research Network of Racial and Ethnic Inequality signed a Memorandum of Understanding to work together on similar missions. AAGC was provided an office in SSRI. Gayle was appointed as a Visiting Research Fellow to work with AAGC and The Research Network.
August 7, 2011 – Board Retreat met to revise Mission. Developed a Strategic Framework with new Revised Mission and Goals.
April 26-27, 2012 – Closing the Opportunity Gap Conference with The Research Network of Racial and Ethnic Inequality, SSRI and the Exceptional Children Division of the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction – Duke Campus.
July 9-20, 2012 – Participated in Young Scholar Writing Camp with The Research Network of Racial and Ethnic Inequality, SSRI – Duke Campus. Gayle developed Microbiology lessons for the Middle School Scholars with Dr. Lola Reid as the lead scientist teaching the labs on cells and DNA. Danielle Groseclose, a Bright Tomorrow teacher served as an Intern in the Research Network and assisted with the lessons.
July 18, 2012 – Dr. Joy Lawson Davis, Institute on Gifted Minority Learners, with The Research Network of Racial and Ethnic Inequality, SSRI – Duke Campus. A Training Workshop for Educators during the day, and an Evening Dinner Presentation with Parents and Educators.
July 24, 2012 – Dr. Laura Bottomley, NC State conducted an institute on North Carolina Engineering Standardsfor Educators, SSRI – Duke Campus.
June 2013 – Board Awarded 4 Scholarships ($500.00 each, Needs Based) to the North Carolina Governor’s School for high schools seniors.
September 4, 2014 – Memorandum of Understanding rescinded between AAGC and the Research Network by Dr. Tom Nechyba, Director, AAGC. AAGC remaineds in SSRI.
October 2014 – AAGC Executive Director, Margaret Gayle and Associate Director, Daniel Turner were named Co-Project Managers for a Javits awarded grant to the REDY Program directed by Dr. Angel Harris. The three-year grant provided funds to implement a nurturing project for underserved populations in 32 Title 1 schools in Wake County.
March 2017 – Margaret Gayle resigned as Project Manager of the nurturing project with Wake County Schools after 3rd year with the grant in the REDY Program and remained as Executive Director of AAGC in SSRI under Director, Tom Nechyba.
April 20, 2017 – Margaret Gayle, Executive Director requested to be moved into the Associate Director of AAGC and to appoint Daniel Turner to became the Executive Director of AAGC. Approved by the AAGC Board of Directors.
2014-2017 – Project Bright IDEA 3: Nurturing for a Bright Tomorrow
The Research on Education and Development of Youth (REDY) received a Javits Grant (2014-2019) to conduct a randomized/controlled study in 32 schools (16 treatment, 16 control) in Wake County. A nurturing model based on the earlier Javits 2 research will continue to be implemented in selected districts, grades K-2, with the major goal of increasing the number of students for gifted programs from underrepresented populations. Principal Investigator is Dr. Angel Harris, Professor of Sociology and African American Studies, Duke University and Co-Project Managers are Margaret Gayle and Daniel Turner, AAGC.
Project Bright Tomorrow, Scale-Up District:
- Brunswick County, Project Bright Tomorrow – Scale-Up: Grades K-5 – Lincoln and Town Creek Elementary Model Schools – AAGC awarded Habits of Mind Animations for teachers to continue to teach Habits of Mind/Gifted Behaviors to their students in Grades K-3 with appropriate interactive lesson plans. Habits of Mind, Wondergrove Animations were provided to the Brunswick and Wake County Schools with funds secured by AAGC from the Care Institute, Inc., a non-profit.
2014-2017 – Project Bright IDEA 3: Nurturing for a Bright Tomorrow
The Research on Education and Development of Youth (REDY) received a Javits Grant (2014-2019) to conduct a randomized/controlled study in 32 schools (16 treatment, 16 control) in Wake County. A nurturing model based on the earlier Javits 2 research will continue to be implemented in selected districts, grades K-2, with the major goal of increasing the number of students for gifted programs from underrepresented populations. Principal Investigator is Dr. Angel Harris, Professor of Sociology and African American Studies, Duke University and and Co-Project Managers, Margaret Gayle and Daniel Turner, AAGC Bass Connection funds supported Duke students visiting the Bright IDEA scale-up model schools in Lenoir County.
2018-2022 Wired for Learning, AAGC, Social Science Research Institute, Bass Connections
Target Group: K-2 in 2 Title I Schools – 13 teachers and 250 students
Location: Durham, North Carolina
Dr. Kristen Stephens, Principal Investigator, Margaret Gayle meg43@duke.edu
and Daniel Turner dlt17@duke.edu, Associate Researchers.
Project Description
Wired for Learning is a project designed to support K-2 children who are at risk of falling behind or struggling academically in school. The general premise of the program is to target the development of those thinking skills and dispositions that are known to enhance student success in school while also enhancing educators’ understanding of brain science and the relationship to teaching and learning. The project involves professional development for K-2 teachers, field testing of a K-2 thinking skills curriculum, parent programming to support K-2 learning, and the collection of observational and achievement data to evaluate program impact on both K-2 students and their teachers. Bass students will be involved in activities that will foster the development of a variety of skills and enhance their knowledge of public education policy and curriculum and instruction. The project will also provide students with: 1) exposure to leaders in public education; 2) experience in the implementation of curriculum and instruction in classrooms; 3) authentic collaborate with various stakeholders on solutions and; 4) the opportunity to conduct field-based research and publish results
Project Goals
Goal 1: Develop and field-test a K-2 curriculum that intentionally integrates those learning dispositions and thinking skills that have proven to be critical to the cognitive development and academic success of young students.
Goal 2: Provide professional development and support for teachers on thinking skills, learning dispositions, and brain science as they relate to K-2 learning and development.
Goal 3: Design and deliver parent workshops on at-home methods for helping their children be successful in school.
Goal 4: Conduct research on program effectiveness in supporting future academic success of participating children and in enhancing teaching practices over time.
Goal 5: Disseminate results on impact and advocate for comprehensive K-2 nurturing programs that address thinking skills, dispositions for learning, and brain science.
Goal 6: Provide Bass students the opportunity to authentically collaborate with various stakeholders around a timely education policy issue and conduct field-based research.
2022 – Present – Program in Education and AAGC at Duke received another Bass Grant to publish all research reports and resources for Educators and the public to include guidelines for districts to administer similar programs. Resources include: A Curriculum Implementation Guide; Curriculum Units for teachers and parents; Training videos and powerpoints for Administrators and Teachers.
Research Reports include twenty years of research on a K-2 Nurturing Program to Title I K-2 students across North Carolina supported by Local, State, Federal and Non-Profit funds. The mission was to increase opportunities for all students to have access to advanced strategies, behaviors and curriculum content based on best practices available. Results determined the most important component of the project is to provide the Thinking Skills Program by Parks and Black to all K-2 students as a basic literacy program. An additional component would include the Gifted Behaviors Research. At the present time Wired for Learning has become the recommendation by AAGC and The Program in Education at Duke to consider for implementation to make the most difference in Closing the Achievement Gap.