Category Archives: Uncategorized
April 19, 2024: Photos from Rytasfest
On Friday April 19, 2024, the extended family of the Vilgalys Lab descended on the Spruce Pine Lodge in Bahama, NC, for Rytasfest. Over 100 former students, postdocs, and colleagues gathered in Bahama, North Carolina, to celebrate 40+ years of … Continue reading
Seminar by Tim James
Duke Mycology alum Tim James returned recently to present a seminar for the University Program in Genetics and Genomics.
Endosymbiotic bacteria of Mortierella: part of the core Populus microbiome
We recently published two papers arising from our first Populus endophyte genomes. Here are some links along with the news release prepared for the DOE Uehling J, Gryganskyi A, Hameed K, Tschaplinski T, Misztal PK, Wu S, Desirò A, Vande Pol … Continue reading
Undergraduate Assistant Positions available: Genetics of plant-fungal interactions.
We have several openings for independent study and paid research assistants for projects that study interactions between plants and their symbiotic mycorrhizal fungi. We are using molecular-based methods to study interactions between symbiotic fungi with with native tree species (pines, … Continue reading
Fungi featured in Nat Geographic blog post
Postdoctoral position (FILLED): plant-fungal symbiosis and evolution
The Vilgalys Mycology Lab at Duke University seeks a postdoctoral researcher in the area of plant-fungal symbiosis and evolution. The selected candidate will contribute to ongoing studies on ecology and evolution of forest soil fungi and their interactions with trees … Continue reading
MASMC 2015 a success
Check out the program and highlights from last week’s MASMC&mf conference*. *MASMC&mf = Middle Atlantic States Mycology Conference (and morel foray)
Wanted: Undergraduate Assistant – Genetics of plant-fungal interactions
We have an opening for a part time research assistant to help with several projects on interactions between plants (roots), fungi, and bacteria. We are using molecular-based methods to study interactions between symbiotic fungi with with native tree species (pines, oaks, … Continue reading
2015 Asilomar Fungal Genetics Meetings
Many excellent presentations and great weather at this year’s Fungal Genetics Meetings (March 17-22, 2015). Here’s a link to the program and abstracts, and a link to the #fungal15 twitter feed. The meetings were well-attended by current and former Duke mycologists. Some of my highlights … Continue reading
Some highlights from Zygoblitz2015
We participated last weekend in the inaugural meeting for our new GoLife program to investigate the group formerly known as “Zygomycetes”. Check out the group’s home age at Phylogenetic relationships among the “zygos” were previously investigated by the AFTOL group ( using up … Continue reading