In 2021, the Section of Surgical Disciplines launched Sustaining Equity, Elevating Diversity in Surgery (SEEDS).
This ambitious, overarching framework promises to invest in the Section’s faculty, trainees, and staff through a rolling series of ongoing initiatives organized into seven focus areas.
The SEEDS initiative will build on the foundation created by the Section’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee, formed in 2017 to promote best practices, facilitate data sharing and equity analyses, and support advocacy for change.
The Department of HNS&CS has long participated in community events such as the one pictured here, a partnership with Durham’s Activate Good program. Community outreach will be a core area of focus for the SEEDS model.
7 Areas of Focus
In Case You Missed It
The Inspiration to Give
Many of us can identify one influential leader in our lives who has inspired and motivated us, whose vision and mission have propelled us forward to make a difference. For Debara L. Tucci, MD, MBA, MS, that person is Howard W. Francis, MD, MBA, Chair, Department of HNS&CS.
When Dr. Tucci moved to Bethesda, Maryland, after 26 years as a faculty member in HNS&CS, she felt compelled to continue to support the department’s legacy. She and her husband Kevan started an endowed fund, which will support visiting professors and scholars who contribute to the intellectual and research development of faculty interests.
Above: Dr. Debara L. Tucci with husband Dr. Kevan VanLandingham
Give to Duke
A gift to the Section of Surgical Disciplines is a gift of knowledge, discovery, and life.