Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I)

A trained therapist will provide six 1-hour weekly cognitive behavioral therapy sessions to help improve your sleep quality.

Session 1: Sleep Education and Introductions to CBT-I and Sleep Diaries. After receiving an overview of CBT-I treatment, you will be instructed in establishing treatment goals and keeping weekly sleep diaries.

Session 2: Introduction to Sleep Restriction Therapy and Stimulus Control. Sleep hygiene education will be provided for topics that are relevant to you. The therapist will introduce the rationale for behavior changes and review the participant’s sleep diaries to tailor specific recommendations. An initial “sleep prescription” will be established for the upcoming week.

Session 3: Introduction to Relaxation Therapy. You will be introduced to Relaxation Therapy and asked to practice relaxation strategies, follow your sleep prescription, and continue your sleep diary during the upcoming week.

Sessions 4 and 5: Sleep Prescription Titration. The therapist will review your sleep diary with you and modify your sleep prescription, as needed. You will continue to use relaxation strategies, follow your sleep prescription, and track your sleep on diary during the upcoming week.

Session 6: Relapse Prevention. The therapist will review your sleep diary with you and provide instruction on adjusting your sleep schedule after treatment, as needed. Treatment gains will be reviewed, and the therapist will develop a plan with you for ensuring your treatment gains are maintained.