David was an undergraduate at Illinois Wesleyan University and the University of Durham in England where he received a degree in Biology and worked on insect physiology. He received his PhD from Duke University in lab of Prof. David McClay identifying and studying the role of the Notch receptor in early sea urchin development. He joined Prof. Paul Sternberg’s group at Caltech for his postdoctoral work where he defined the model of anchor cell invasion. At Duke University, he is a Professor and the Associate Chair of the Biology Department . He is associated with the Cell and Molecular Biology Program, University Program in Genetics and Genomics, and Molecular Cancer Biology Program. He runs the Development and Stem Cell Biology Colloquium each spring and teaches in Bio 220 (Cell Biology) in several Graduate courses (Grant writing, Cell invasion, Basement membrane Biology, Developmental Classics Course) and is the current Co-director of Embryology Course at the Marine Biological Laboratory, in Woods Hole, MA in the summer. Outside of the lab, David enjoys hiking, basketball, swimming, and piano. David is a Ruth Kirschtein Awardee, Leukemia and Lymphoma Special Fellow, Howard Temin Awardee, American Cancer Society Research Fellow, Basil O’Connor Scholar, Pew Scholar, and Mayent-Rothschild-Institute Curie Awardee.