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Welcome to Science Education Enhances Knowledge (SEEK) About Tobacco

A curricular unit for high school health education classes developed by faculty at the Duke University Medical Center and Fuqua School of Business.

» Science Education Enhances Knowledge (SEEK) About Tobacco

SEEK About Tobacco is an online resource that provides science-based health education regarding nicotine and tobacco products. The unit is a resource for high school educators and students to learn more about the science behind nicotine addiction, and the contributions by various kinds of tobacco products to the development of cancer. The program includes interactive animations, videos, and a “virtual” laboratory exercise. The modules, including animations and lab activity can be accessed below.

» SEEK About Tobacco Includes a “Virtual” Lab Experiment

The lab, “Can Tobacco Cause Mutations in DNA?” is conducted “virtually” after viewing a video online. The lab is an important component of the unit, performed during Mission #2. The students should find it to be fun and informative. 
Teachers: Click here to access the lab activity instructions.
Students: Click here to access the lab activity.

Developed with funding from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)