The Bracket is Complete!

Behold, the full bracket for RheumMadness 2022! What happens next? Bracket submissions will open on Monday, March 14, and the first round of the tournament will happen on Saturday, March 26.

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The Scouting Reports

Over 70 collaborators from 13 institutions wrote the scouting reports for RheumMadness 2022. This includes 43 fellows, 23 faculty, 3 residents, and 1 medical student. What an amazing collaboration! We are also thankful to collaborate with the editorial staff of the Rheumatologist. Each report is available on their website, and we have posted links here so you can find them.

Use the links below to access each scouting report:

Scouting Report Archive

Click here to access the scouting reports from RheumMadness 2021

RheumMadness 2022 Regions

RheumMadness 2022 is all about the Planet of the Rheumatologists.

Over 70 collaborators from 13 institutions wrote the scouting reports for RheumMadness 2022. This includes 43 fellows, 23 faculty, 3 residents, and 1 medical student. What an amazing collaboration!

We are also thankful to collaborate with the editorial staff of the Rheumatologist. Starting February 15, the scouting reports for each region in RheumMadness 2022 will be sent out on a weekly basis. We will also post links here.

Scouting Report Archive

Click here if you’d like to review the scouting reports from RheumMadness 2021