Prof. Christopher Woods, Lead – Clinical Research of the Duke-Ruhuna Collaboration and Executive Director, Hubert-Yeargan Centre for Global Health, visited the center on the 10th and 11th of April 2023.
Meetings were held with Prof. C. K. Bodinayake, Prof. Ajith Nagahawatta, Prof. Gayani Tillekeratne, Dr. Nayani Weerasinghe, Dr. Warsha, Dr. Dhammika Palangasinghe, Ms. Ruvini Kurukulasooriya, Ms. Madureka Premamali, and Office staff to discuss ongoing researches, upcoming researches, and future plans.
He visited the office and the laboratory of the RDCID, met staff members, and discussed plans, and improvements to be made for the coming months.