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Dr. Gayani Tillekeratne received 1st place for poster presentation and 3rd place for oral presentation at the “International Conference on Infectious Diseases and Antimicrobial Resistance” held on 9-10th August 2018 in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Dr. Champa Wijesinghe received a National Research Council Merit Award in 2017 for the article published in Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 2015; Factors Associated With Caregiver Burden Among Caregivers of Children With Cerebral Palsy in Sri Lanka” authored by Champa J. Wijesinghe, Natasha Cunningham, Pushpa Fonseka, Chandanie G. Hewage, and Truls Østbye.
Dr. C K Bodinayake was awarded as the “Orator” of the 49th Annual Academic Sessions of the Ceylon College of Physicians in 2016.
Best poster; “Health related cost and loss of productivity in patients with undifferentiated acute febrile illnesses” by Champica K Bodinayake1, L. Gayani Tillekeratne2, Ajith Nagahawatte1 Vasantha Devasiri1, Wasantha Kodikara Arachchi3, Truls Ostbye2, Duane J. Gubler 4, Christopher W. Woods2, Megan E. Reller5 presented in Galle Medical Association October 2014.
Dr. Bilesha Perera (Dpt. of Community Medicine), received the Most Outstanding Scholar Award during the Vice Chancellor’s Awards at the University of Ruhuna in 2013.
Award for the best oral presentation of the Annual Academic Sessions of the Galle Medical Association 2011; Dengue fever in a large cohort of febrile patients in Southern Sri Lanka. C.K. Bodinayake, I.V. Devasiri, A. Nagahawatte, W. Kodikara-Arachichi, M.E. Reller, and C.W. Woods.
Most Outstanding Third Year Clinical Science Research Thesis Award – Misa Noda, a Medical undergraduate from Duke Singapore who studied the Health of Three wheeler drivers in Galle, Sri Lanka under the supervision of Dr. P. Vijitha De Silva, Dr. Rahul Malhotra, and Prof. Truls Ostbye, has won this award for her work on occupational health in Sri Lanka.