Knowledge and Attitudes toward HIV and People Living with HIV (PLWH) among Public Health Midwives in the Galle District, Sri Lanka. Jihye, S.U.K., Aravinda, N.P., DeSilva, V., Clancy, S., Tillekeratne, L.G. and Østbye, T., 2020. Gestão e Sociedade, 14(40), pp.3965-3982.
Prevalence and correlates of leprosy in a high-risk community setting in Sri Lanka; Dabrera TME, Tillekeratne LG, Fernando MSN, Kasturiaratchi STKG, Østbye T. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health 2017; 28(7):586-591. doi: 10.1177/1010539516666360.
Prevalence of occupational injury and its contributing factors among rubber tappers in Galle, Sri Lanka, Kayla Stankevitz, Catherine Staton, Ashley Schoenfisch, Vijitha de Silva, Hemajith Tharindra, Marissa Stroo & Truls Ostbye (2016): International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health, DOI: 10.1080/10773525.2016.1247026
Prevalence and risk factors of musculoskeletal disorders among Sri Lankan rubber tappers. Stankevitz K, Schoenfisch A, De Silva PV, Tharindra H, Stroo M. Østbye T. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health 2016; 22(2) :91-8. doi: 10.1080/10773525.2016.1168073
High Road Utilizers Surveys Compared to Police Data for Road Traffic Crash Hotspot Localization in Rwanda and Sri Lanka. Staton CA, De Silva V, Krebs E, Andrade L, Rulisa S, Mallawaarachchi BC, Jin K, Vissoci JR, Østbye T. BMC Public Health 2016, 16: 53. doi: 10.1186/s12889-015-2609-1
Occupational risk factors for low back pain among drivers of three-wheelers in Sri Lanka. Noda M, Malhotra R, De Silva V, Sapukotana P, DeSilva A, Kirkorowicz, Allen J, Østbye T. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health. 2015; 21(3):216-24. doi: 10.1179/2049396714Y.0000000071
Occupational risk factors to low back pain among drivers of three-wheelers in Sri Lanka.Noda M, Malhotra R, De Silva PV, Sapukotana P, De Silva A, Kirkorowicz JM, Allen J, Østbye T. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health. 2014.
Work-Related Stress and Substance Use as Risk Factors for Chronic Disease Among Three-Wheel Drivers in Galle, Sri Lanka: Kirkorowicz JM, Sapukotana P, De Silva PV, Noda M, De Oliveira JS, Østbye T. A Qualitative Study. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Health. 2013:3(2):18-20.
The assistant medical officer in Sri Lanka: mid-level health worker in decline. De Silva PV, De Oliveira JS, Liyanage M, Østbye T. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2013:27(5): 432-433.
Health issues of female foreign domestic workers: a systematic review of the scientific and gray literature. Malhotra R, Arambepola C, Tarun S, De Silva PV, Kishore J, Østbye T. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health. 2013;19(4):261-277.
Health status and quality of life of female garment workers in Sri Lanka. De Silva PV, Lombardo S, Lipscomb H, Grad J, Østbye T. Galle Medical Journal 2013: 18(1):1-7.
Musculoskeletal symptoms among female garment factory workers in Sri Lanka. Lombardo SR, De Silva PV, Lipscomb HJ, Ostbye T. International Journal of occupational and environmental health 2012:18(3):210-219.
“Role of Assistant Medical Officers in Sri Lanka’s Primary Care Setting” by Justine Strand, Vijitha De Silva, and Truls Ostbye
Abstracts, Posters and Oral Presentations
The Epidemiology of Road Traffic Crashes and Hot Spots based on local police data in Galle, Sri Lanka. De Silva V, Tharindra H, Vissoci JR, Andrade L, Mallawaarachchi BC, Østbye T, Staton CA. EuSEM 10-14 October 2015, Torino, Italy.
Work-related stress and substance use as risk factors for chronic disease among three-wheel drivers in Galle, Sri Lanka: Kirkorowicz JM, Sapukotana P, De Silva PV, Noda, M, de Oliveira JS, Ostbye, T. A qualitative study. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Health, Vol. 3 No. 2 (2013), 21-24.
Occupational health problems among female garment factory workers in Sri Lanka. Vijitha De Silva, Hester Lipscomb, Truls Ostbye. 2nd International Conference on Epidemiology in Occupational Health (EPICOH 2011), Oxford, UK, September 6-9, 2011.
Musculoskeletal symptoms among female garment factory workers in the Free Trade Zone of Koggala, Galle, Sri Lanka. Sarah Lombardo, Vijitha DeSilva, Hester Lipscomb, Truls Ostbye. Global Health Education Consortium (GHEC), 2011 Global Health Conference: Advancing Health in the 21st Century, Montreal, Nov 13-15, 2011.
Health status and quality of life of female garment workers in Sri Lanka. PV De Silva, S Lombordo, H Lipscomb, T Østbye. Global Health Education Consortium (GHEC), 2011 Global Health Conference: Advancing Health in the 21st Century, Montreal, Nov 13-15, 2011.