Duke-Ruhuna Collaborative Research Centre was established in May 2006 in partnership with the Hubert-Yeargan Center (HYC), the Duke Global Health Institute (DGHI), Duke University, North Carolina, USA and the Faculty of Medicine, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka to facilitate bi-directional collaboration on health-related research and student /clinician training exchanging programs. To establish the program, office space was provided in the 3rd floor, Clinical Block, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ruhuna Galle. The South Asian tsunami disaster of 2004, which severely affected the city of Galle, was the initial impetus for the Ruhuna-Duke collaboration. Since its inception, the collaboration has focused on epidemiologic and clinical research in infectious diseases, community medicine, and social and economic development. The program has given opportunities for both Duke and Ruhuna trainees and faculty to engage in clinical activities and research projects. Over the past 15 years, the Duke-Ruhuna Collaboration has received over $3 million in research funding, including over $2 million in US federal funding. The Collaboration has supported a staff of more than 50 research personnel including administrative staff, research assistants, data entry operators, and lab technicians, all of whom have contributed invaluably to the projects. Under the Duke-Ruhuna Collaborative Research Centre, various activities have been initiated and have been implemented since 2006 to date.
The long-term vision of the RDCID is to serve as a centre of research and educational excellence for the Southern Province, of Sri Lanka. Our mission is to improve health in Sri Lanka by continuing locally relevant and impactful research studies in infectious diseases. RDCID will serve as a training center for local and foreign researchers and liaise with local physicians and the Ministry of Health. RDCID facilitates the conduct of impactful and scientifically rigorous clinical research studies and active surveillance for infectious diseases, with the ultimate goal of serving as a reference center for the Southern Province and sharing findings with the public health authorities and clinicians for the improvement of clinical and preventative health.
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