When you perform a Variable Temperature (VT) NMR experiment, the displayed temperature is not necessarily the actual sample temperature. When …
Posts Categorized: Educational
Periodic Wall of Elements
Question: What would happen if you made a periodic table out of cube-shaped bricks, where each brick was made of …
Distortionless Enhancement by Polarization Transfer — DEPT
Distortionless Enhancement by Polarization Transfer (DEPT) is a carbon based NMR experiment that can aid in distinguishing between primary, secondary, tertiary, …
Ligand screening with NMR
The WaterLOGSY NMR experiment is a powerful tool for the studies of protein/RNA/DNA–small molecule interactions. WaterLOGSY involves the transfer of …
Monitoring Kinetics by NMR
NMR can be used to study the kinetic behavior of molecules or particles in solution. The molecules or particles can …
29 Si NMR
29Si NMR spectra of liquids can be very time consuming due to its very long T1 relaxation times and therefore …
1H and 19F decoupled 13C spectra
1D carbon acquired with simultaneous 1H, 19F decoupling (top spectrum) shows a singlet for each carbon atom to clearly resolve …
Homonuclear decoupling
Having trouble assigning clarity to a crowed 1H spectrum with complicated J-coupling splittings … consider using a homonuclear decoupling experiment. …
Accessible nuclei
Periodic table showing available nuclei for NMR analysis at Duke NMR Center