Embarking on what’s to come!

I am both thrilled and grateful to have this incredible opportunity to make a positive impact alongside my peers, who will be embarking on their own internships across various organizations in the city. I’ve gotten the chance to meet my cohort a few times and I’m excited to be tackling the bustling world of empowerment and advocacy that is NYC with them.

The chance to work alongside the partners at the Lower Eastside Girls Club fills me with excitement and a sense of purpose. This organization has long been at the forefront of empowering girls and young women, providing them with the tools and opportunities to shape their own destinies. I feel incredibly fortunate to not only be part of a movement that recognizes the importance of education, leadership, and holistic development but empowers women and girls alike. One thing about me, when it comes to uplifting women in any way, shape, or form, I’m there! I’m excited to be a part of a cause that has been so dear to me prior to my presence at Duke.

To ensure I make the most of this internship, I have been immersing myself in their website, blog posts, and social media platforms to familiarize myself with their work and values. Additionally, I am brushing up on relevant topics to enhance my understanding and contribute meaningfully because as an international student, I recognize that there is still so much more about gender equity and youth empowerment in the United States for me to learn.

Why did I choose to embark on this internship journey? It’s simpleā€”I believe in the power of education and empowerment to transform lives. In my previous experiences going to an only-girls school in Saudi Arabia and spending time in Ethiopia, the Lower Eastside Girls Club’s commitment to nurturing young minds and fostering leadership resonates deeply with me. I want to be part of an organization that is driving change, breaking barriers, and creating opportunities for the next generation of fierce, fearless, and trailblazing women because I have seen just how transformative one woman can be to the rest. I am eager to learn from the girls’ stories, share in their triumphs, and grow with them as I go.

However, I must admit that there is also a hint of uncertainty lingering in the back of my mind. As with any new experience, there are aspects that remain unclear, and a touch of nervousness accompanies the excitement. Questions arise: Will I live up to the expectations? How can I ensure that my contributions have a meaningful and lasting impact? But I remind myself that growth happens outside of our comfort zones, and that it’s okay to embrace the unknown, armed with determination and a willingness to learn.

So here I stand, on the cusp of an adventure, ready to embrace the challenges, celebrate the victories, and soak up every invaluable lesson along the way. I cannot wait to share my experiences, insights, and personal growth through this blog. Stay tuned as I embark on my Lower Eastside Girls Club internship and discover the true power of education, empowerment, and the strength of united voices.

Niyat Asefaw

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