Nic like Nicknack

What’s up y’all,

I’m eagerly anticipating my time in New York this summer for a few main reasons. Firstly, I’m excited to work with Choices women’s medical clinic for the duration of the program. I only recently went pre-med, and I made that choice because despite the tenuous road to actually becoming a doctor (especially all the tears I shed over Biochem this past semester) I know that I want to work closely with people and contribute to their wellbeing. I hope to really take advantage of this opportunity to become familiar with all facets of the medical space, particularly in a clinic which deals with some of the most intimate parts of a person’s life. I don’t have family members or close family friends who work in the medical space, so I’ve often felt really in the dark about what career opportunities and paths are available. Because of this, I’m really looking forward to being able to speak with all of the employees at the clinic to hear their thoughts on the field. Additionally, I really just love talking with new people, and considering I know very little about New York or Queens, I see this as a way to really get to know the city and community I’m working in.

This brings me to the next thing I’m excited for which is being in the city. Up to this point, the biggest city I’ve lived in is Durham, and even that was a big transition from my hometown. I’ve also never lived outside of North Carolina besides brief vacations, so I am beyond stoked to get to explore such an international city. I am worried about my general ability to navigate life in NYC, and given that my hometown barely has a bus route, using the metro consistently will be a challenge, but its a challenge I’m excited for. I’m also just generally looking forward to getting to know the other participants and exploring the city together.

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