Who are you? Who am I?

Who are you? I am a woman. Who are you? I am African-American. Who are you? I am a millennial. Who are you? I am Catholic. Who are you? I am a Louisianan. Who are you? I am a Public Policy major with an Innovation and Entrepreneurship certificate. These are all great answers, but who am I?

I am Kaili Simien. Phew, finally got that out. All of those were answers I gave to my partner while performing an exercise at Duke Engage Academy; however, those labels cannot accurately describe who I am and everything I stand for.

Looking at all of those answers, you’re probably wondering why I chose to apply to the Moxie program. Looking at my resume, you’d probably think it was because I attended a single-gender school until college or the Women’s’ Studies class I took my freshman year or attending the Women’s March in Washington, DC.

All of those reasons did contribute to my choice of the Moxie program; however, it was more than that. Over the course of my young adult life, I have become more aware of the issues facing women and trying to find solutions for them.

You can’t fix all gender equity issues within one summer. This is a statement I have been reflecting on because it’s true. I am not expecting to go to New York City, intern with Brooklyn Defender Services, and fix all problems women face today. I can, however, make a difference in the lives of the people I do come in contact with.

How is a girl from a small town in Louisiana going to adjust to city life, while trying to change as much as she can? That’s something I’m still trying to figure out myself. In my town, you drive a car everywhere you need to go. New York City, on the other hand, is filled with public transportation I have never experienced.

You’ll be cooking meals for yourself during the week and for each other on the weekends.

As soon as I was told this I instantly said a prayer for whoever had to eat what I cooked. You’d think growing up in Louisiana I would have endless recipes of Cajun cuisine up my sleeve. And, I do. Do they always come out the way my mom cooks them? No. I think it’s some secret touch I haven’t developed yet.

All in all, I am excited to work with Brooklyn Defender Services. I am excited to see the issues this particular organization works with as well as how they are combatting them. I am excited to transition from rural, country life to urban, city life. I’ll keep y’all updated on how excited I am to cook for myself and others because at this moment, morale is running low.

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