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Multimodality in Multilingual and Intercultural Education

The one-day event will consist of invited talks, research methodology and pedagogy workshop(s), lightning talks, and student work exhibition, to foster collaboration, share best teaching practices, generate new research ideas, and build a scholarly community among researcher-practitioners of multilingual and intercultural education at Duke Kunshan University (DKU), Duke University, Wuhan University (WHU), The Ohio State University (OSU), and University of Sydney (USYD).

The theme of this hybrid forum and exhibition centers around multimodality as an approach to reconceptualize multilingual and intercultural education, and to investigate the translingual and intercultural experiences and diverse identities of human subjects in globalized higher education contexts.

This event is part of the project “Multimodal Intercultural Education Interdisciplinary Innovation Platform”, co-funded by the WHU and DKU Joint Research Platform Seed Funding, the Kunshan Municipal Government Research Funding, and the DKU HRC Small Event Grant.

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