We have 10 Ipads for students and profs to use.
Here is a list of the apps that you can find downloaded in each Ipad:
- Scribblenauts
There is a character who travels through different worlds and you have use vocab to help him solve a problem. It would be a bit difficult for beginners.
Scribblenauts review
- Story Cubes
Students roll the dice and try to create a story. The dice have symbols, so it can be used for any level or any language.
- Pictionary
Students are given a word a have to draw a picture of the concept.
- Story Dice
This is similar to Story Cubes, but the pictures are less symbolic.
Story Dice Review
- Vocab Gamer
This app has fun vocab games.
Vocab Gamer Review
In Languages 114 there are 4 Solstice Pods available:
Using the Solstice Pod for digital collaboration
We also have 20 pairs of Google Cardboards available:
About Google Cardboard Handout (1)About