Duke-In Programs
In the event that local or world conditions should force the university to suspend or cancel a Duke-Administered study away program, thereby causing no academic credit to be awarded, full tuition refunds will be made. Please note, however, that in such circumstances Duke will only be able to refund uncommitted and recoverable funds from any non-tuition program fees.
If Duke terminates a program early, but arranges for students to earn full or partial credit, the tuition refund amount would reflect these circumstances. Whether or not credit is awarded would depend on the particular program, when the suspension or cancellation took place, and other factors.
See the World Situation FAQ for a list of some of the factors that may inform decisions to suspend or cancel programs.
Financial aid students enrolled in a cancelled Duke-Administered program should discuss aid implications with their financial aid counselor.
Duke-Approved and Petitioned Programs
In the event that a Duke-Approved or Petitioned program is cancelled, refunds and academic credit are at the sole discretion of the Duke-Approved program.