Round II Instructions


Punchline: click on the URL in the email Charlotte sent to access the Round II survey.


Welcome to Round II of the Delphi study to describe the field of environmental education! As you may recall, the North American Association of Environmental Education (NAAEE) is interested in developing an accurate and compelling visual representation of the field of environmental education (EE) to help stakeholders understand the field and provide professionals with tools we can use to promote what we do and help raise additional support for our collective work. This research project aims to develop such a compelling depiction of this complex and important field. The purpose of Round II is to move the expert panel towards consensus, particularly with regard to a list of top outcomes that define the field.

You may remember that in Round I (Nov-Dec, 2014) asked you to provide 5 core and next-to-core outcomes, strategies, and tactics (in sum 10 outcomes, 10 strategies, and 10 tactics), with reasons for each. We provided you the following definitional guides for these terms:

  • Outcome: a change in environment or peoples’ engagement with or actions on the environment; 
  • Strategy: a way of progressing toward the outcome state 
  • Tactic: a tool for engaging people; a subset of strategy

In this round, we provide you with a subset of the responses to the questions from Round 1, anonymous and verbatim, chosen through a deliberate mixed methods process. You can see detail of that process on the “methods” page of this website.  I have password protected the raw data from Round I, and ask that you do not share it, and only use it for your responses in Round II. You will find the password for these pages in the email you were sent (or email Charlotte at

You are to review the outcomes and reasons of your peers on the provided categories, and complete a second survey that can be found at this link. Our hope is that, in response to the opinions and reasons of other panelists, the number of top outcomes will decrease and opinions will converge.

In Round 1, several of you mentioned that you would find it helpful to see all the questions that will be on the survey before you begin. Thus, here you can find a list of the Round II survey questions. The survey will be open from April 1 to April 15, 2015.

One suggested process:

  1. Go to the pages for Top Outcomes (under Round II on the menu) and familiarize yourself with the data. Go to each one and read the top verbatim responses and reasons.
  2. Also under Round II, read through the summary of how the analysis was done.
  3. Look at the overall node structure, showing the themes that became top outcomes for Round II and those that were present, but not prevalent enough to be top outcomes.
  4. Also under Round II, look at the pdf that shows you what specific questions the survey will ask.
  5. Go to the survey link found in your email from Charlotte to actually complete the survey.