Welcome Back to Students

By | August 17, 2021

August 17, 2021

A housekeeper overheard Pavarotti singing in the shower … it was quite the soap opera.

Welcome back to the School of Nursing. Here is the information you need to get the most from your DUSON technology for the upcoming fall semester.

Bur first, here’s our Tech Tip of the Week …

Zoom ClassroomHosting a Zoom meeting and you’re hearing a lot of background noise from attendees?

Easy fix.  Just mute everyone at once.  Here’s how:

  • PC Users – use Alt+M
  • Mac Users – use Cmd+Ctrl+M

This mutes everyone except you.  Enjoy.

Contacting Your IT Support Staff

Here is the contact information for the School of Nursing IT Service Desk along with our hours of operation:

Phone: (919) 684-9200
Email: SONIT-Support@duke.edu
Service Desk: Located in Pearson 1133 – just across from the Student Study Rooms
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm
After-hours: If you cannot access your course materials after hours or on the weekend, please call (919) 684-2243.  Ask the operator to page the School of Nursing on-call IT Support.

We have created a short video summarizing the ways our IT Service Desk can assist you:

DUSON Information security

Follow these instructions to protect Duke’s data and your data:

  • You are required to create a strong password that is at least 12 characters in length and pass a basic complexity check.
  • Anti-Virus Software for Personal Computers – follow OIT recommendations here.
  • Duke Health Mobile Device Manager site (https://mobile.dhts.duke.edu)
    • To view Duke emails on cellphone or tablets, you will need to enrolled into Duke Health Mobile Device Manager

New to Duke?

If you’re a new student at Duke or you would like a broad overview of DUSON Tech Support, please take a look at our orientation video below.  It has all the tech information you need to know:


Most of your DUSON classes will use a Learning Management System (LMS) called Sakai. Here is a reminder of some tips to get the semester started.

  • For all Sakai issues, please contact us at the SON-IT Service Desk
  • Always remember to SAVE – SAVE – SAVE when taking an exam in Sakai
  • Sakai has a default feature that automatically adds new sites to your Favorites.  If you would rather manage your own site list, you can turn it off by following this process
    • Select Sites (the waffle icon in the top right)
    • Select Organize Favorites
    • Look at Automatically add new sites to your favorites bar
    • If this is turned On, select Off


DUSON faculty use Mediasite to record classroom and online lectures.  Here are some beginning of semester Mediasite tips for you:

  • For all Mediasite issues, please contact us at the SON-IT Service Desk
  • The video quality is high and the files are usually large.  As with all video delivery services that deliver HD quality videos (such as YouTube), some buffering is required.
  • We recommend using a strong internet connection when viewing lectures.
  • Visit https://support.sonicfoundry.com/Training/ViewingRequirements.  This site will automatically test to make sure you have the plugins and bandwidth needed for viewing.
  • If you choose to view your class lectures with a slow connection (such as connectivity found at Starbuck’s, Panera or other public WiFi options), you can expect choppy performance until the file has completely buffered.

While most home and office WiFi connections will be fine for viewing your lectures, you will have the best lecture viewing experience if you are directly connected to the internet and not using WiFi.

Software & VPN

You can find instructions for our recommended software in the Orientation video above.

The VPN Client requires special handling.  Please review the video below for instructions on installing and using the Duke Health VPN.

A Zoom Class – the Basics …

Follow these general guidelines when attending a Zoom class:

  • You will usually see a Class Expectations slide with when you join the class.  This will include instructions for things like:
    •  Cameras on or off?
    •  Microphones muted or not?
    •  How the instructor would like you to ask questions;
    •  If your instructor hasn’t clarified their expectations, default to keeping your camera off, your microphone muted and ask questions in the chat window.
  •  When you enter the class, go ahead and open your Chat window.  This is how you’ll communicate with course support staff.
  •  Also, make sure your full name is shown in the Participants list.
    •  Press the Participants icon in the menu
    •  If your full name isn’t listed (it may be a phone number or your NetID):
    •   Select Rename, then enter your full name
  • Be sure to arrive on time:
    • If you arrive late, remember that the class has already started.  Enter quietly.  Keep your camera off and your microphone muted.
  • Want to talk with your classmates or ask a question?  Use the Chat window instead of your microphone.  It’s almost impossible to have individual conversations while others are talking at the same time.

Have a great fall semester!

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