Welcome to the Summer Session

By | May 12, 2021

May 17, 2021

Just remember … no matter how much you push the envelope, it will remain stationery.

Time to get started for the summer session!

This week, we will highlight some recommended tips and reminders for the start of the summer session, along with any changes and updates to the services we provide.

But first, here’s our Tech Tip of the Week –

Smishing …  It’s a thing.

Smishing is a phishing attempt via text – SMS Phishing.  Here’s how it works:

A bad actor sends you a text message similar to the one on the right.  Of course, you call because you didn’t make the withdrawal.  A robotic voice answers the phone and asks you to confirm who you are.  You enter your credit card number, birthday and SSN.  (They usually ask these things, right?)  The robotic voice says, “This information is valid.  Thank you.”  Then, the call ends.

See what happened?  The hacker now has your personal information.

The FCC received around 355,000 smishing complaints last year.  It is increasing at an alarming rate.  If you receive a suspicious text, don’t trust links or numbers in the text.  Go to a browser and contact your bank using official, published communications channels.

Smishing.  Who would’ve thought?

Contact your IT Support Staff

 Below is the contact information for the School of Nursing IT Service Desk along with our hours of operation:

  • Phone:                       (919) 684-9200
  • Email:                         sonit-support@duke.edu
  • Service Desk:            Located in the Pearson Building in Room 1133 – just across from the Student Study Rooms
  • Hours:                        Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm
  • After-hours:             If you cannot access your course materials after hours or on the weekend, call (919) 684-2243.

Ask the operator to page the School of Nursing on-call IT support

Recommended Software

The following recommended software can be downloaded from software.duke.edu:

  • Endnote
  • ePrint – both B&W and Color are available at the School of Nursing
  • VPN Client
    • Before installing the VPN client, set up your Multifactor Authentication
    • Download and run the Cisco AnyConnect install file
    • Once the installation is complete, open the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client
    • In the Connect box type: dmvpn.duhs.duke.edu and enter
    • Type in your NetID and password
    • For Security Key or Second Password –enter your Multifactor Authentication code from DUO Mobile
    • Click OK
  • Microsoft Office 365
    • Visit http://mail.duke.edu
    • Click the all Apps button in the top left corner 
    • Click Office 365
    • Click Install Office button, in the top right
    • Select Office 365 Apps
    • Once you see the Welcome screen, select Sign in to an existing Office 365 Subscription

Collaboration without Zoom

Microsoft Teams is available to all DUSON students at no charge.  It’s the best way to collaborate among small teams and study groups.  It’s easy to use – here’s what you need to do:

  • Sign in to https://mail.duke.edu with your NetID/Password
  • In the top left hand corner, click the waffle menu icon (to the left of the word Outlook)
  • Select Teams from the menu and MS Teams will open in the same window
  • At the bottom, select the Help icon to see videos and documents describing how to use this powerful tool

Set up a Teams team with a few friends or classmates.  You can videochat, share files and coordinate assignments easily.  MS Teams is a great tool for collaboration!

Data Security

Educational Technology

  • Sakai
    • Most of your DUSON classes will use a Learning Management System (LMS) called Sakai. Here is a reminder of some tips to get the semester started.
    • For all Sakai issues, please contact us at the SON-IT Service Desk
    • Always remember to SAVE – SAVE – SAVE when taking an exam in Sakai
    • Sakai has a default feature that automatically adds new sites to your Favorites.  If you would rather manage your own site list, you can turn it off by following this process:
    • Select Sites (the waffle icon in the top right)
    • Select Organize Favorites
    • Look at Automatically add new sites to your favorites bar
    • If this is turned On, select Off
  • Mediasite
    • DUSON faculty use Mediasite for classroom and online lectures.  Here are some beginning of semester Mediasite tips for you:
    • For all Mediasite issues, please contact us at the SON-IT Service Desk
    • The video quality is high and the files are usually large.  As with all video delivery services delivering HD quality videos (such as YouTube), some buffering is required.
    • We recommend using a strong internet connection when viewing lectures.
    • Visit https://support.sonicfoundry.com/Training/ViewingRequirements.  This site will automatically test to make sure you have the plugins and bandwidth needed for viewing.
    • If you choose to view your class lectures with a slow connection (such as connectivity found at Starbuck’s, Panera or other public WiFi options), you can expect choppy performance until the file has completely buffered.
    • While most home and office WiFi connections will be fine for viewing your lectures, you will have the best lecture viewing experience if you are directly connected to the internet and not using WiFi.

Good luck and have a great summer session!

Duke Photo of the Week

This week’s Duke Photo of the Week is a snowy day on the quad.

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