The DUSON Sakai Shell

By | February 22, 2021

What do you get when you cross a joke with a rhetorical question?

Our DUSON Ed Tech Team is working hard to convert all DUSON courses from the old Sakai shell to the new Sakai shell.

Here’s what you need to know about our process. Oh, and don’t miss our new DUSON Sakai Shell Office Hours – a great way to get your questions answered …

But first, here’s our Tech Tip of the Week …

Not really a Tech Tip, but I thought I’d give you an update on how we’re doing in the Duke ISO Phishing exercises.

It turns out, we’re doing pretty good …

The ISO assigns a score to each of these phishing tests called a Resiliency Rate. It’s the ratio of Reporters (people who clicked the Report Phish To Duke  button in Outlook) divided by the number of Clickers (people who clicked on the fake link). The higher the resilincy ratio, the better.

DUSON Total sent Clicked Reported %clicked %reported Resiliency Rate
Feb-20 448 137 41 30.6% 9.2% 0.30
Aug-20 465 45 91 9.7% 19.6% 2.02
Feb-21 487 23 145 4.7% 29.8% 6.30

Are we there yet?

Unfortunately, no. When the Clicked rate is 0 and Reported rate = Sent, we’ve arrived at Phish Nirvana.

If you think an email is phishy, be sure to click the Report Phish to Duke  button in Outlook. If it’s legit, no harm-no foul. The Security Office will let you know.

New Shell?


DUSON is currently transitioning all Sakai course sites to a new Sakai template, or shell, which follows the OSCQR online course quality standard.  In collaboration with faculty instructors, each course is being carefully reviewed and crafted by one of our Academic Technology Specialists on the Ed Tech team. The plan is for all students to be using the new shell for all courses by the Fall, 2021 semester.

Your assigned ATS will work with you to get started.

Intro to the DUSON Sakai Shell …

For our faculty who may have missed it, click the image below for a video prepared by Ed Tech leadership that describes the new shell and what you can expect.

Students and the New DUSON Shell …

Many of you are already using the new DUSON Sakai Shell.  Click this image for a video by the team that gives you the basics of what to expect. Let us know what you think.

Coming soon –

DUSON Shell Office Hours

Members of our Ed Tech team will be hosting DUSON Shell Office Hours every other Monday, beginning March 1 at 12 Noon. Each 30-minute session will be hosted by a different team member and will provide you a chance to ask any questions you’d like about Sakai and the new DUSON Shell.

Look for each session Zoom link in the Monday Update, or contact any of our Academic Technology Specialists for more information.

Duke Pics …

Missing our beautiful campus?

This week’s Duke Pic is The Red Bridge in Sarah P. Duke Garden.

Have any questions about tech at DUSON?

As always, if you have any technical questions or problems, please contact your IT Service Desk at 919-684-9200 or via email at (

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