Symposium on Emerging Infectious Diseases

The Emerging Infectious Diseases program at Duke-NUS Medical School and the Duke Center for Virology are co-organizing a Symposium on Emerging Infectious Diseases, with a focus on virology, which will be held on the Duke campus. This is a continued effort to build ties between the Duke-NUS EID program and leaders in the field with shared research interests in the RTP region.  We envision that this meeting will serve as a forum for broad ranging discussions on molecular biology, microbial pathogenesis, immunology, global health, and pandemic preparedness.  We hope that you will be able to attend and participate.

October 24-25, 2023
Karsh Alumni and Visitor Center
2080 Duke University Rd, Durham, NC 27708

Free parking is available in both the paved lot next to Karsh and in the gravel lot across Duke University Road from Karsh.

Click here for Poster Session Information 
Posters will be up for the duration of the symposium. We ask that presenters be at their posters during the mid-day poster session on the indicated day, while all presenters are invited to present their posters at the reception on Tuesday. Tuesday: Odd 12:30-1:15; Even 1:15-2:00. Tuesday evening: Even 4-5, Odd 5-6. Wednesday: Odd 11:45-12:30; Even 12:30-1:15.


TUESDAY October 24, 2023

8:30 am Continental breakfast and poster set-up

8:55 am Welcome from Organizing Committee

9:00 am Opening remarks
Colin Duckett, PhD

Vice Dean for Basic Science, Duke University School of Medicine

9:15 am Keynote
Ralph Baric, PhD

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
“Emerging Coronaviruses: Pathogenic Mechanisms and Countermeasures”

10:00 am –12:00 pm Session 1: Viral Pathogenic Mechanisms
Session Chairs: Micah Luftig and Stacy Horner

10:00 Shee-Mei Lok, Duke-NUS
“CryoEM structures of the multimeric secreted NS1, a major factor for dengue hemorrhagic fever”

10:20 Nick Heaton, Duke
“Underappreciated outcomes of respiratory viral infections”

10:40 Coffee Break

11:00 Yaw Shin Ooi, Duke-NUS
“Genetic dissections of virus-host interactions in bat cells”

11:20 Micah Luftig, Duke
“Heterogenous outcomes of Epstein-Barr virus infection”

11:40 Mart Lamers, Duke-NUS
“Understanding SARS-CoV-2 entry using organoids”

12:00–2:00 pm Lunch, Breakouts, and Posters

2:00-4:00 pm Session 2: Antiviral Immune Responses
Session Chair: Raphael Valdivia

 2:00 Jessica Ho, Duke-NUS
“Hitting where it hurts -targeting the host to alter infection outcomes”

2:20 Priyamvada Acharya, Duke
“Structural and mechanistic basis for immune evasion by the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant”

2:40 Coffee Break

3:00 Ashley St. John, Duke-NUS
“Maternal and fetal immune factors influencing Zika congenital syndrome”

3:20 Nina Le Bert, Duke-NUS
“The T cell response in asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection”

3:40 Purushothama Rao Tata, Duke
“Scalable ex vivo human lung models to study infectious diseases”

4:00-6:00 pm Reception, Breakouts, and Posters

WEDNESDAY October 25, 2023

8:30 am Continental breakfast

9:15–11:15 am Session 3: Translational and Clinical Virology
Session Chair: Soman Abraham 

9:15 Carolyn Coyne, Duke
“Breaking and entering: how viruses bypass tissue barriers”

9:35 Aravind Asokan, Duke
“Cross-species evolution of Adeno-Associated Viruses (AAV) for gene therapy”

9:55 Matt Kelly, Duke
“SARS-CoV-2 infection in children: insights from the BRAVE Kids study”

10:15 Coffee Break

10:35 Maria Blasi, Duke
“Use of integrase defective lentiviral vectors in vaccine development”

10:55 Simon Gregory, Duke
“The journey to inner space – technological advances in molecular profiling”

11:15–1:15 pm Breakouts, Lunch, and Posters

1:15-2:30 pm Session 4: Viral Surveillance, Evolution, and Countermeasures
Session Chair: Charlie Nunn

 1:15 Gavin Smith, Duke-NUS
“Evolution and adaptation of influenza A viruses following interspecies transmission”

1:40 Linfa Wang, Duke-NUS
“Genetic diversity and different evolution pathways of bat-borne zoonotic viruses”

2:05 Cliburn Chan, Duke
“Data science and modeling for infectious disease and epidemics”

2:30-3:10 pm Keynote
Susanna Naggie, MD, MHS

Vice Dean for Clinical Research, Duke University School of Medicine
“Building the Plane While Learning to Fly: Lessons learned from the Duke clinical research COVID-19 response”

3:10 Coffee Break

3:30-4:30 pm Discussion Panel on Collaborative EID research post-pandemic
Moderator: Linfa Wang, Duke-NUS

Bart Haynes, Duke
Gavin Smith, Duke-NUS
Susanna Naggie, Duke

4:30 pm Closing Remarks from Organizing Committee

After Party at Hi-Wire Brewing
Hi-Wire Brewing, 800 Taylor St., Durham, NC 27701
Wednesday, October 25, 2023 at 4-6:30 pm

All EID Symposium attendees are invited to join the Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology for some friendly conversation and fun times. Drink tickets and food will be provided. There will be reserved tables and both indoor and outdoor space for corn hole, etc.