Virology/Viral Oncology Journal Club

We will be having our next VOTG Journal Club next Thursday 4/20 from 11:30-12:30 in CARL 208. There will be a paper on dynamics of germinal centers and memory B cell differentiation after respiratory viral infections. If you can make it to the meeting, please RSVP here and let us know of any dietary restrictions you have.

This year, the Virology/Viral Oncology Journal Club will be held on the 3rd Thursday of each month from 11:30-12:30 in Room 208 in the CARL Building. This group includes both graduate students and post-docs, and is a great opportunity for group discussion, critique, and appreciation of published work. New graduate students are particularly welcome. We rotate picking the paper and leading the discussion. It is a casual environment, and food and drinks are provided!

To subscribe to the Virology Journal Club mailing list, email with the subject line: subscribe virologyjournalclub.

Please contact Gabrielle Dailey, Ph.D. ( or Christine Krupa ( with any questions!