Hello everyone! My name is Brook Hemphill, and I am currently sitting on a plane traveling to Dubai for Conference of the Parties 28 (COP28). I’m truly honored and thrilled for this experience, and I want to express my gratitude to Dr. Jackson Ewing, Gabriela Nagle Alverio, and Ina Shih-Hsuan Liao for making it possible and teaching my cohort of 26 students about the UNFCCC process over the past 14 weeks.
As a Master of Forestry candidate at Duke University, my passion lies in forest restoration and understanding the complex drivers of deforestation, especially in tropical regions. I was especially excited to attend COP28 to learn about the various perspectives of forest stakeholders, listen to the global dialogue on climate change and learn about the challenges forest countries face.
One of the highlights of my experience at COP28 will be my collaboration with the Environmental Defense Fund on tracking the Article 6 negotiations. Article 6 of the Paris Agreement established pathways for countries to meet their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) through the trade of mitigation outcomes. The pathways outlined under Article 6 provide mechanisms for countries to cooperatively mitigate climate change, raise global ambition, generate investment, and support sustainable development goals. At COP28, negotiators will work to hammer out various agenda items, which may include discussions on removals activities, methodologies, and guidance on emission avoidance.
Beyond the formal negotiations, I am excited to attend side events related to forest conservation, Article 6 implementation, capacity building within forest carbon projects and programs and forest carbon finance. The Side Events on forest restoration are particularly exciting to me and I am looking forward to exploring the latest advancements, innovations, and success stories in the realm of forest restoration. I am also interested in learning about capacity building efforts within forest carbon programs and how this is being implemented at a larger scale. The insights gained from these sessions will be valuable to me and inform my future endeavors in forestry and conservation.
Another area of interest for me is understanding stakeholders’ experiences in forest carbon projects. Hearing firsthand accounts from those involved in the field provides a human dimension to the often complex and technical aspects of carbon projects and programs. I hope to learn more about the specific driver of deforestation within countries and the ways in which they are working to reduce this. These experiences will help me better understand the challenges and successes encountered by individuals working tirelessly on the ground to make a positive impact in forest conservation and restoration.
As I embark on this journey to COP28, I carry not only my academic interests but also a deep sense of responsibility. The decisions and discussions at this conference will have far-reaching implications for our remaining forests and climate. I am committed to absorbing as much knowledge as possible, engaging with experts and fellow attendees, and contributing meaningfully to the global conversation on climate change related to forest-based solutions.
Stay tuned for updates as I navigate the vibrant and dynamic landscape of COP28 in Dubai!
Brook Hemphill
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