Donohue, K., (Editor and commentator). 2011. Darwin’s Finches: Readings in the Evolution of a Scientific Paradigm. University of Chicago Press.
Journal articles and book chapters:
X Wang, X Zhou, M Zhang, K Donohue, M Hou, J Li, W Ge, H Zhou, L Ma 2024. Climate and plant traits alter the relationship between seed dispersal and seed dormancy in alpine environment, Environmental and Experimental Botany 219, 105660
D’Aguillo, M. and Donohue, K. 2023. Changes in phenology alter patterns of natural selection: joint selection on germination time and post-germination traits. New Phytologist 238:405-421.
Morgan, B. and K. Donohue. Parental methylation mediates how progeny respond to environments of parents and of progeny themselves. Annals of Botany 130: 883–899.
Morgan, B. and K. Donohue. Parental DNA methylation influences plasticity of early offspring traits, but offspring DNA methylation influences trait plasticity throughout life. Ecology and Evolution 12:e9224.
Souza, A. C., Donohue and E. A. de Mattos 2022. The effect of seed-dispersal timing on seedling recruitment is modulated by environmental conditions that vary across altitude in a threatened palm. Annals of Botany 29(7):839-856. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcac038.
D’Aguillo, M., Hazelwood, C., Quarles, B., Donohue, K. 2021. Genetic consequences of biologically altered environments. Journal of Heredity. In press.
Alvarez, M., Bleich, A., Donohue, K. 2021. Genetic differences in the temporal and environmental stability of transgenerational environmental effects. Evolution. In press.
Shaw, E., Fowler, R., Ohadi, S., Bayly, M.J., Barrett, R.A., Ades, P.K., Tibbits, J., Strand, A., Samis, K., Westberg, E, Willis, C.G., Jasieniuk, M., Donohue, K. and Cousens, R.D. 2020. Explaining the worldwide distributions of two highly mobile species: Cakile edentula and C. maritima. Journal of Biogeography. doi: 10.1111/jbi.14024
Wang, X. Donohue, K., Alvarez, M., Ge, W., Cao, Y., Liu, K., Du, G., Bu, H. 2020. Elevation filters seed traits and germination strategies at the community level. Ecography 43:1-13.
Alvarez, M., Bleich, A., Donohue, K. 2020. Genetic variation for the induction and stability of transgenerational environmental effects. Evolution.
Penfield, S., Auge, G., Donohue, K. 2019. Tansley Review: Pleiotropy in the environmental regulation of life cycles: evidence and consequences. New Phytologist. 224:55–70.
Stinson; L. Carley L. Hancock, and K. Donohue. 2019. Effects of maternal source and progeny growth habitats on natural selection and population dynamics in Alliara petiolata. American Journal of Botany 106: 821-832.
D’Aguillo, M., Edwards, B. E., Donohue, K. 2019. What is the genetic basis of environments? A Case study of seedling-establishment environments in Arabidopsis thaliana. (Special issue on “Quantitative Genetics in the Wild”) Journal of Heredity 110: 467–478.
Donohue, K. 2019. Multitasking as an ancient skill: When one gene does many things well. (Commentary) Molecular Ecology 28(5):917-919.
Donohue, K. 2018. The snail’s charm: Presidential Address. The American Naturalist,
Martel, C., L. Blair, K. Donohue. 2018. PHYD prevents secondary dormancy establishment of seeds exposed to high temperature and is associated with lower PIL5 accumulation. Journal of Experimental Botany 69:3157–3169.
Vayda, K., K. Donohue, G. A. Auge. 2018. Within- and across-generational plasticity: seed germination responses to light quantity and quality. AoB Plants 10(3):
Leverett, L. D., G. F. Schieder, K. Donohue. 2018. The fitness benefits of germinating later than neighbors. American Journal of Botany 105: 20-10. doi: 10.1002/ajb2.1004.
Donohue, K. 2017. Divergence in how genetic pathways respond to environments. Trends in Plant Science. Doi:10.1016/j.tplants.2017.08.008
Auge, G. A., L. K. Blair, A. Karediya, K. Donohue. 2017. The autonomous flowering-time pathway pleiotropically regulates seed germination. Annals of Botany. In press.
Saastamoinen, M., G. Bocedi, J. Cote, D. Legrand, F. Guillaume, C. Wheat, E. A. Fronhofer, C. Garcia, R. Henry, A. Husby, M. Baguette, D. Bonte, A. Coulon, H. Kokko, H. De Kort, E. Matthysen, K. Niitepõld, E. Nonaka, V. M. Stevens, J. M. J. Travis, K. Donohue, J. M. Bullock, and M. del Mar Delgado. 2017. The genetics and evolution of dispersal. Biological Reviews, In press.
Williams, C. M., G. Ragland, G. Betini, L. Buckley, Z. Cheviron, K. Donohue, J. Hereford, M. Humphries, L. Kriegsfeld, S. Lisovski, K. E. Marshall, P. Schmidt, K. Sheldon, O. Varpe, and M. E. Visser. 2017. Understanding evolutionary impacts of seasonality. Integrative and Comparative Biology, In press.
Edwards, B. E., L. T. Burghardt, K. Kovach, and K. Donohue. 2017. Canalization of seasonal phenology in the presence of developmental variation: seed dormancy cycling in an annual weed. Integrative and Comparative Biology, In press.
Imaizumi, T., Auge, G., Blair, L., Moore, D., Donohue, K. 2017. Photoperiod throughout the maternal life cycle influences seed germination in Arabidopsis thaliana, but seed photoperiod does not. American Journal of Botany, 104:1–11.
Auge, G. Blair, L., Donohue, K. 2017. Maternal vernalization and vernalization-pathway genes influence progeny seed germination. New Phytologist, doi: 10.1111/nph.14520.
Auge, G., Leverett, L., Edwards, B., Donohue, K. 2017. Adjusting phenotypes via within- and across-generational plasticity. New Phytologist, doi: 10.1111/nph.14495.
Blair, L., Auge, G. Donohue, K. 2017. Effect of FLOWERING LOCUS C on seed germination depends on dormancy. Functional Plant Biology 44(5)
Willis, C. G. and K. Donohue. 2016. The evolution of intrinsic reproductive isolation in the genus Cakile (Brassicaceae). Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 30:361-376.
Leverett, L. D., Auge, G. A., Bali, A., & Donohue, K. 2016. Contrasting germination responses to vegetative canopies experienced in pre-vs. post-dispersal environments. Annals of Botany, doi 10.1093/aob/mcw166.
Coughlan, J. M., Saha, A., & Donohue, K. 2016. Effects of pre‐and post‐dispersal temperature on primary and secondary dormancy dynamics in contrasting genotypes of A rabidopsis thaliana (Brassicaceae). Plant Species Biology, Doi: 10.1111/1442-1984.12145.
Mesgaran, M. B., Lewis, M. A., Ades, P. K., Donohue, K., Ohadi, S., Li, C., & Cousens, R. D. 2016. Hybridization can facilitate species invasions, even without enhancing local adaptation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(36), 10210-10214.
Edwards, B., Burghardt, L., Zapata-Garcia, M., Donohue, K. 2016. Maternal temperature effects on dormancy influence germination responses to water availability in Arabidopsis thaliana, Environmental and Experimental Botany, Available online 27 February 2016, ISSN 0098-8472,
Rubio de Casas, R., Donohue, K., Venable, D. L., & Cheptou, P.-O. 2015. Gene-flow through space and time: dispersal, dormancy and adaptation to changing environments. Evolutionary Ecology, 29(6), 813–831.
Burghardt, L., Edwards, B., Donohue, K. 2015. Multiple paths to similar germination behavior in Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytologist, 209: 1301-1312. doi: 10.1111/nph.13685.
Murphey, M., K. Kovach, T. Elnacash, H. He, L. Bentskink, and K. Donohue. 2015. DOG1-imposed dormancy mediates germination responses to temperature cues. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 112:33-43.
Donohue, K. 2015. Genotype-environment interaction, In Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Biology, J. Wolf, ed. Elsevier.
Donohue, K., Burghardt, L., Bradford, K., Runcie, D.,Schmitt, J. 2015. Developmental threshold models: Their application to ecological genetics and climate-change biology. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 30:66-77.
Auge, G., Edwards, B., Blair, L., Burghardt, L., Coughlan, J., Leverett, L., Donohue, K. 2015. Secondary dormancy induction depends on primary dormancy status. Seed Science Research, 25: 230-246.
Burghardt, L., C. J. E. Metcalf, A. Wilczek, J. Schmitt, and K. Donohue. 2015. Modeling the influence of genetic and environmental variation on the expression of plant life cycles across landscapes. American Naturalist 185:221-227.
Willis, C. G., J. C. Hall, R. Rubio de Casas and K. Donohue. 2014. Diversification and the evolution of dispersal in the tribe Brassiceae (Brassicaceae). Annals of Botany 114: 1675-1686.
Gibbs, D. C. and K. Donohue. 2014. Gene duplication and environmentally regulated development. Ecology and Evolution 4: 2202–2216.
Willis, C. G, C. Baskin, J. Baskin, J. R. Auld, D. L. Venable, J. Cavender-Bares, K. Donohue, R. Rubio de Casas and The NESCent Germination Working Group. 2014. Dormancy and diversification: Environmentally cued dormancy, evolutionary hubs, and diversification of the seed plants. New Phytologist 203: 300–309.
Donohue K. 2014. The epigenetics of adaptation: Focusing on epigenetic stability as an evolving trait. Evolution 68:617-619.
Herman, J. H. G. Spencer, K. Donohue, and S. E. Sultan. 2014. How stable ‘should’ epigenetic modifications be? Insights from adaptive plasticity and bet-hedging. Evolution 68:632-643.
Donohue. K. 2014. Why ontogeny matters during adaptation: Developmental niche construction and pleiotropy across the life cycle in Arabidopsis thaliana. Evolution 68:32-47.
Kim, ES, and K. Donohue. 2013. Local adaptation and plasticity of Erysimum capitatum to altitude: its implications for responses to climate change. Journal of Ecology 101:796-805.
Cheptou, P.-O. and K. Donohue. 2013. Epigenetics as a new avenue for the role of inbreeding depression in evolutionary ecology. Heredity 110:205–206. (News and Commentary).
Chiang, G. C. K., D. Barua, E. Dittmar, R. Rubio de Casas, K. Donohue. 2013. Pleiotropy in the wild: The dormancy gene DOG1 exerts cascading control on life-cycles. Evolution 67:883-893.
K. Donohue. 2012. Phenotypic Plasticity: Development in the Wild, in The Evolution of Plant Form, Annual Plant Reviews, Barbara A. Ambrose and Michael D. Purugganan, eds. Wiley-Blackwell.
Hall, J. C., and K. Donohue. 2012. The Genetics of Plant Dispersal, in “Dispersal Ecology and Evolution,” J. Clobert, M. Baguette, T. Benton, and J. Bullock, eds. Oxford University Press.
Rubio de Casas, R., C. G. Willis, and K. Donohue. 2012. Plant Dispersal Phenotypes: a seed perspective of maternal habitat selection, in “Dispersal Ecology and Evolution,” J. Clobert, M. Baguette, T. Benton, and J. Bullock, eds. Oxford University Press.
Avino, M., E. M. Kramer, K. Donohue, A. Hammel, and J. C. Hall. 2012. Understanding the basis of a novel fruit type in Brassicaceae: Conservation and deviation in expression patterns of six genes. EvoDevo 3:20 doi:10.1186/2041-9139-3-20.
Rubio de Casas, R., K. Kovach, E. Dittmar, D. Barua, B. Barco, K. Donohue. 2012. Seed after-ripening and dormancy determine adult life history independently of germination timing. New Phytologist 194: 868-879. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2012.04097.x
Samis, K. E., C. J. Murren, O. Bossdorf, K. Donohue, C. B. Fenster, Y. Li, R. L. Malmberg et al. 2012. Longitudinal trends in climate drive flowering time clines in North American Arabidopsis thaliana. Ecology and Evolution 2: 1162-80.
Kim, E.-S. and K. Donohue. 2012. The effect of plant architecture on drought resistance: implications for the evolution of semelparity in Erysimum capitatum. Functional Ecology 26:294–303.
Donohue, K., D. Barua, C. M. Butler, E. Dittmar, R. Rubio de Casas. 2012. Maternal effects alter natural selection on phytochrome nulls through effects on seed germination. Journal of Ecology 100: 750-757. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2012.01954.
Barua, D., C. Butler, T. E. Tisdale, and K. Donohue. 2011. Natural variation in germination responses to seasonal cues and their associated physiological mechanisms. Annals of Botany 109:209-226.
Hall, J., T. E. Tisdale, K. Donohue, A. Wheeler, E. M. Kramer. 2011. Convergent evolution of a complex fruit structure in the tribe Brassiceae (Brassicaceae). American Journal of Botany 98: 1989–2003.
Kim, E.-S. and K. Donohue. 2011. Population differentiation and plasticity in rosette ontogeny: Effects on life history expression in Erysimum capitatum. American Journal of Botany 98: 1752–1761.
Kim, E-S and K. Donohue. 2011. Natural variation in demography, life history, and morphology along altitudinal gradients in Erysimum capitatum. Journal of Ecology 99:1237–1249.
Chiang, G. C. K, M. Bartsch, D. Barua, K. Nakabayashi, M. Debieu, I. Kronholm, M. Koornneef, W. J.J. Soppe, K. Donohue, J. de Meaux. 2011. DOG1 expression is predicted by the seed-maturation environment and contributes to geographic variation in germination in Arabidopsis thaliana. Molecular Ecology 20:3336–3349.
Cheptou, P-O and K. Donohue. 2010. Tansley Review. Environment-dependent inbreeding depression: Its ecological and evolutionary consequences. New Phytologist 189: 395-407. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2010.03541.x (Authors contributed equally.)
Donohue, K., R. Rubio de Casas, Liana Burghardt, Katherine Kovach, Charles Willis. 2010. Germination, post-germination adaptation, and species ecological ranges. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 41:293–319.
Platt, A., M. Horton, Y. Huang, Y. Li, A. Anastasio, W. Mulyati, J. Agren, O. Bossdorf, D. Byers, K. Donohue, M. Dunning, E. Holub, A. Hudson, V. Le Corre, O. Loudet, L. Rivero, R. Scholl, M. Nordborg, J. Bergelson, J. O. Borevitz. 2010. The scale of population structure in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS Genetics 6(2): e1000843. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1000843.
Huang, X, J. Schmitt, L. Dorn, C. Griffith, S. Effgen, S. Takao, M. Koornneef, K. Donohue. 2010. The earliest stages of adaptation in an experimental plant population: strong selection on QTLS for seed dormancy. Molecular Ecology 19:1335-1351.
Chiang, G. C. K, D. Barua, E. M. Kramer, R. Amasino, K. Donohue. 2009. The major flowering time gene, FLC, regulates seed germination in Arabidopsis thaliana. PNAS 106:11661-11666.
Donohue, K. 2009. Completing the cycle: Maternal effects as the missing link in plant life cycles. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B, Biological Sciences 364:1059-1074.
Donohue, K. 2009. Some evolutionary consequences of niche construction with genotype-environment interaction. In Adaptation and Fitness in Animal Populations: Evolutionary and Breeding Perspectives on Genetic Resource Management. van der Werf, J.; Graser, H.-U.; Frankham, R.; Gondro, C, Eds.. XII, pp.131-150. Springer.
Lahti, D. C.; Johnson, N. A.; Ajie, B. C.; Otto, S. P.; Hendry, A. P.; Blumstein, D. T.; Coss, R. G., Donohue, K.; Foster, S. A. 2009. Relaxed selection in the wild. TREE 24:487-496.
Heschel, M. S., C. M. Butler, D. Barua, G. C. K. Chiang, A. Wheeler, R. A. Sharrock, G. C. Whitelam, and K. Donohue. 2008. New roles of phytochrome during seed germination. International Journal of Plant Science 169:531-540.
K. Donohue, M. S. Heschel, C. M. Butler, D. Barua, R. A. Sharrock, G. C. Whitelam, G. C. K. Chiang. 2008. Diversification of phytochrome contributions to germination as a function of maternal environment. New Phytologist 177:367-379.
Ruane, L. G. and K. Donohue. 2007. Pollen competition and environmental effects on hybridization dynamics between Phlox drummondii and Phlox cuspidata. Evolutionary Ecology 21.
Heschel, M. S., J. Selby, C. Butler, G. C. Whitelam, R. Sharrock, and K. Donohue. 2007. A new role for phytochrome in temperature-dependent germination. New Phytologist 174:735-741.
Ruane, L. G. and K. Donohue. 2007. Environmental effects on pollen-pistil compatibility between Phlox cuspidata and Phlox drummondii (Polemoniaceae): Implications for hybridization dynamics. American Journal of Botany 94: 219-227.
Donohue, K., M. S. Heschel, G. C. K. Chiang, C. Butler, D. Barua. 2007. Phytochrome mediates germination responses to multiple seasonal cues. Plant, Cell and Environment 30:202-212.
Kramer, E., and K. Donohue. 2006. You can get there from here: Traversing the adaptive landscape in snapdragons. Science 313 (5789), 924-925.
Hall, J. C, T. E. Tisdale, K. Donohue, and E.M. Kramer. 2006. Developmental basis of an anatomical novelty: heteroarthrocarpy in Cakile lanceolata and Erucaria erucarioides (Brassicaceae). International Journal of Plant Science. 167(4):771-789.
Donohue, K. 2005. Seeds and seasons: Interpreting germination timing in the field. Seed Science Research (Invited review) 15(3):175-187.
Donohue, K. 2005. Niche construction through phenological plasticity: Life history dynamics and ecological consequences. (Invited review) New Phytologist, Special Issue 166:83-92.
Donohue, K., C. R. Polisetty, N. J. Wender. 2005. Genetic consequences of niche construction: Plasticity-mediated genetic constraints on the evolution of seed dispersal in Arabidopsis thaliana. The American Naturalist 165:537-550.
Wender, N. J., C. Polisetty, and K. Donohue. 2005. Density-dependent processes influencing the evolutionary dynamics of dispersal: A functional analysis of seed dispersal in Arabidopsis thaliana (Brassicaceae). American Journal of Botany 92:88-98.
Donohue, K., L. Dorn, C. Griffith, E. S. Kim, A. Aguilera, C. R. Polisetty, J. Schmitt. 2005. Environmental and genetic influences on the germination of Arabidopsis thaliana in the field. Evolution 59(4):740-757.
Donohue, K., L. Dorn, C. Griffith, E. S. Kim, A. Aguilera, C. R. Polisetty, J. Schmitt. 2005. The evolutionary ecology of seed germination of Arabidopsis thaliana: Variable natural selection on germination timing. Evolution 59(4):758-770.
Donohue, K., L. Dorn, C. Griffith, E. S. Kim, A. Aguilera, C. R. Polisetty, J. Schmitt. 2005. Niche construction through germination cueing: Life history responses to timing of germination in Arabidopsis thaliana. Evolution 59(4):771-785.
Griffith, C., E-S Kim, K. Donohue. 2004. Life-history variation and adaptation in the historically mobile plant, Arabidopsis thaliana (Brassicaceae), in North America. American Journal of Botany 91:837-849.
Donohue, K. 2004. Density-dependent multilevel selection in the Great Lakes sea rocket. Ecology 85(1):180-191.
Donohue, K. 2003. The influence of neighbor relatedness on multilevel selection in the Great Lakes sea rocket. The American Naturalist. 162(1):77-92.
Donohue, K. 2003. Setting the stage: Phenotypic plasticity as habitat selection. International Journal of Plant Sciences, Special Issue. 164(3 suppl.):S79-S92.
Motzkin, G., D. Foster, A. Allen, K. Donohue, and P Wilson. 2003. Forest landscape patterns, structure, and composition. In. Forests in Time: The environmental consequences of 1000 years of change in New England. Yale University Press. New Haven.
Scheiner, S. M., K. Donohue, L. A. Dorn, S. J. Mazer, L. M. Wolfe. 2002. Reducing environmental bias when measuring natural selection. Evolution. 56(11):2156-2167.
Heschel, S. M., K. Donohue, and J. Schmitt. 2002. Environmental stress and rates of evolution: Genetic variation and selection on water-use efficiency in Impatiens capensis. International Journal of Plant Science. 163(6): 907-912.
Donohue, K. 2002. Germination timing influences natural selection on life-history characters in Arabidopsis thaliana. Ecology 83:1006-1016.
Donohue, K., E. Hammond-Pyle, D. Messiqua, S. M. Heschel, and J. Schmitt. 2001. Adaptive divergence in plasticity in natural populations of Impatiens capensis and its consequences for performance in novel habitats. Evolution 55(4):692-702.
Muniru, J., L. Dorn, K. Donohue, and J. Schmitt. 2001. The influence of maternal photoperiod on germination requirements in Arabidopsis thaliana. American Journal of Botany 88(7):1240-1249.
Donohue, K. 2001. A review of “Ecology of closely related plant species.” Marhold, K., B. Schmid, and F. Krahulec. Opulu Press. 1999. Book review in Journal of Vegetation Science 12:301-302.
Donohue, K., E. Hammond-Pyle, S. M. Heschel, D. Messiqua, and J. Schmitt. 2000. Density-dependence and population differentiation of genetic architecture in Impatiens capensis in natural environments. Evolution 54(6):1969-1981.
Donohue, K., D. Messiqua, E. Hammond-Pyle, S. M. Heschel, and J. Schmitt. 2000. Evidence of adaptive divergence in plasticity: Density- and site-dependent selection on shade avoidance responses in Impatiens capensis. Evolution 54(6):1956-1968.
Donohue, K., D. R. Foster, and G. Motzkin. 2000. Effects of the past and the present on species distributions: Land-use history and the demography of wintergreen. Journal of Ecology 88:1-15.
Donohue, K. 1999. Seed dispersal as a maternally-influenced character: mechanistic basis of maternal effects and selection on maternal characters in an annual plant. The American Naturalist 154(6):674-689.
Donohue, K. and J. Schmitt. 1999. Genetic architecture of plastic responses to density in Impatiens capensis. Evolution 53(5):1377-1386.
Donohue, K. 1998. Maternal determinants of seed dispersal in Cakile edentula: fruit, plant and site traits. Ecology 79(8): 2771-2788.
Donohue, K. and J. Schmitt. 1998. Maternal environmental effects: Adaptive plasticity? In Maternal Effects as Adaptations, T. A. Mousseau and C. W. Fox, eds. Oxford University Press.
Donohue, K. 1997. The effect of inbreeding on traits that influence dispersal and progeny density in Cakile edentula var. lacustris. American Journal of Botany 85:661-668.
Donohue, K. 1997. Seed dispersal in Cakile edentula var. lacustris: Decoupling the fitness effects of density and distance from the home site. Oecologia 110:520-527.
Watt, W. B., K. Donohue, and P. Carter. 1996. Adaptation at specific loci VI. Divergence vs. parallelism of polymorphic allozymes in molecular function and fitness-component effects among Colias species (Lepidoptera, Pieridae). Molecular Biology and Evolution 13:699-709.
Donohue, K. 1995. The spatial demography of mistletoe parasitism on a Yemeni Acacia. International Journal of Plant Science 256:816-823.
Watt, W. B., P. Carter, and K. Donohue. 1985. Females’ choice of “good genotypes” as mates is promoted by an insect mating system. Science 23:1187-1190.