On Friday, March 29 the Paul James (Duke University Office of Institutional Equity) and Nicolette Cagle (Nicholas School of the Environment) led a field trip to Greensboro, NC that included representatives from the City of Durham Human Relations Commission, the Triangle Land Conservancy, SEEDS, Durham Public Schools and other local groups.
During this trip, the DEEP (Diversity and Equity in Environmental Programs) Collaborative continued its journey to understand History, Race, and the Environment in our local community by exploring local 20th and 21st century history at Bennett College, an all-women HBCU.The DEEP Collaborative at Bennett College, Greensboro, NC
We also visited the International Civil Rights Center and Museum in Greensboro, NC.This trip allowed the DEEP Collaborative to apply the context of history and race in the United States directly to issues of environmental justice and being to consider the implications of this for our work in environmental fields.
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