2024 So Far

In the new year, our lab members have experienced many changes personally and professionally. We banded to support Elizabeth as she dealt with the loss of her mother to cancer and cheered her on as she finished the Duke Scholars in Molecular Medicine program while gaining a competitive internship at Eli Lily in the summer.

George presented his project at the Duke Divisions of Hematology, Medical Oncology, & Cellular Therapy 36th Annual Research Retreat in January.

In the spring, Assil and Leen represented our lab at AACR where they presented their posters on their respective RMS research topics.

We had an early dinner to celebrate our “plasmid banking” day.

Linardic lab at Flame Kabob

In the summer we hosted two undergraduates, Sameeha Gazi of UT Dallas from the AMGEN program and Lauren Ho of Northwestern from the SURPH program.

Linardic Lab at the Trent Semans Center for Summer Undergraduate Programs’ Poster Presentations



We held a successful virtual FusOnc 2024 Retreat with our collaborators around the country for the Cancer MoonShot Initiative.

We said goodbye our neighbors, the Deel Lab, and wish them all the best in the next phase of their careers.

Linardic lab, Blobe lab, and the Watts lab at a Potluck for the Deel lab

Last but not least, we held a summer soiree to say goodbye to our expert mouse studies technician – Diyana Granum. She will be conducting cell biology-related mouse work at Duke.

Finally, Dr. Linardic attended the 2024 Institute of Cancer Research London, INSTRuCT Mini-Meeting with Prof. Anna Kelsey, Prof. Janet Shipley, Prof. Simone Hettmer, and Ms. Suzi Birz (left to right).

In the latter part of the summer we will host another undergraduate, Chloe Patz, as she explores the world of cancer research. We look forward to attending the annual Pharmacology & Cancer Biology Research Retreat in Wrightsville, NC where many of our members will present their research. Assil will attend the ALSF Childhood Cancer Data Lab’s Bulk RNA-Sequencing and Reproducible Research Practices Workshop at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis to close out the summer.

Summer Fun and Fall Anticipation

Our summer was filled with many new experiences for everyone.

To start off, we attended the celebration of Aanandi’s nuptials.

Aanandi’s wedding

We were excited to host a summer undergraduate research student from the University of Evansville, Indiana. Audrey Chambers was supported by an NSF fellowship and worked under the mentorship of Elizabeth Mendes on cell state in fusion-positive RMS, where she learned experimental design with shRNA knockdowns and small molecule inhibitors. She also learned to do qPCR, Western blots, and cell culture. Audrey celebrated the 4th of July with us at Dorothea Dix Park in Raleigh, and enjoyed a host of ethnic foods from around the Triangle area at the Raleigh International Food Festival. Audrey will go on to her senior year at her university and plans on applying to PhD programs to cultivate her future as a scientist.

4th of July Celebration at Dorothea Dix park
Raleigh’s International Food Festival
Enjoying Howling Cow Ice-Cream on NC State’s campus

We said goodbye to a freshly graduated medical fellow – Dr. Brian Guedes – who specialized in Pediatric Hematology-Oncology. He is enjoying time with his family and settling into the role of a physician specialist at the All Children’s Hospital in Florida. While at Duke he was the chief fellow in his program and worked on novel kinase targets in fusion-positive RMS. We wish him the best!

Brian’s farewell lunch

Joining our lab is Dr. George Turco, a second-year medical fellow in the Duke Pediatric Hematology-Oncology program. George will work with Aanandi, our research tech testing new pharmacologic agents in fusion-negative RMS and fusion-positive RMS. He is currently working on honing his cell culture skills and learning new wet lab techniques such as Western blots and cloning. To celebrate George’s new role and to say goodbye to Audrey after an eventful summer, we held a bowling outing which George won, leaving everyone far, far behind!!

Bowling lab outing

We have also loved having Dr. Leen Barbar, an MD from Syria, in our lab as a research scholar.

Lastly, we are grateful to Sam Weitzel for her efforts in our lab. Sam is now a junior and looks forward to exploring other scientific projects at Duke to expand her repertoire of molecular assays.

Fresh Faces and Farewells

In January, we welcomed the newest member of our lab – Aanandi Munshi – in the position of Research Technician III. She is a recent graduate of NC State, having earned her Master’s in Biochemistry in December. She has a background in single stranded DNA plant viruses and plans to expand her scope of knowledge on cancer mechanisms through her work here. She plans to attend medical school in the future. Read more about her in our Lab Members section.

In February we said goodbye to our previous research technician – Brian Masters. Brian learned a great deal about long noncoding RNAs and anti-sense oligonucleotides. He is moving on to a job in the robust pharmaceutical and research industry around RTP. He will cultivate his skills in research there in preparation for grad school in the future.

In March we celebrated Vithi Patel as she accepted an internal medicine residency position in California. As an international medical graduate, Vithi came to Duke with the hopes of learning the science while also getting acquainted with the vastly different clinical environment in the U.S. Vithi spent her time in lab mastering her cell culture skills and exploring the world of p53. She also helped us get a head start on CRISPRi! We are thrilled for her journey and glad to have a friend in California.

Saying goodbye to Vithi! From left to right: Aanandi Munshi, Assil Fahs, Vithi Patel, and Elizabeth Mendes.


Celebrating our undergraduates!

The Linardic lab is ecstatic to currently support three talented undergraduate scientists, all of whom provide critical assistance in our research efforts.

Sam Weitzel is a rising sophomore at Duke who joined us in September 2021. She recently received an ALSF POST award and is studying new ways to use CRISPRi in RMS.

Aretha Gao is also a rising sophomore at Duke. She joined us in January 2022 and is learning new molecular biology techniques such as DNA isolation and reading and constructing plasmid maps.

Charlotte Pollack is a rising senior at the University of South Carolina, visiting this summer from an AMGEN fellowship. Charlotte is investigating pharmacologic methods to inhibit long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs).

Our team is now “firing on all cylinders” and working hard to assist and mentor these young scientists and provide them with the most enriching research experience possible!

New grants and new work!

We are excited to share news of two grants supporting Alex Kovach’s work on the Role of the macro lncRNA KCNQIOT1 in Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma Tumorigenesis: An Innovation award from Alex’s Lemonade Stand and an award from The Kate Amato Foundation. We are grateful for the support of these foundations to pursue this exciting project!

In addition we continue to work with collaborators from here at Duke (Counter lab; Wood Lab), MIT, the Broad Institute, and also Mass General on an NIH-funded U54 Center for the Fusion Oncoproteins in Childhood Cancer Consortium (FusOnC2). You can read more about the projects here.

Stay tuned for more information and updates as we begin to work on these projects.


A year in review…

We are excited to share that our lab has had a productive academic year! Join us in celebrating these accomplishments.

The following grants have been awarded to our research group:

From The V Foundation-“Targeting the Hippo pathway in RAS-driven rhabdomyosarcoma (rERMS)”

From the Schiffman Foundation-“Use of 3D sphere cultures to investigate stemness properties of rhabdomyosarcoma”

From St. Baldrick’s Foundation (Research Award)- “Identification and validation of the PAX3-FOXO1 protein interactome”

From the Kate Amato Foundation-“Evaluation of the lncRNA KCNQ1OT1 and its binding proteins as pre-clinical therapeutic targets in embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma”

From Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals (Derfner Foundation Research Award, to Alex Kovach PhD)- “Preclinical evaluation of HES1 inhibition in the childhood cancer rhabdomyosarcoma”

The following papers have been accepted for publication:

RASSF4 is required for skeletal muscle differentiation. Lin YT, Deel MD, Linardic CM. Cell Biol Int. 2019 Sep 11. doi: 10.1002/cbin.11238.

Soft Tissue Sarcoma Cancer Stem Cells: An Overview. Genadry KC, Pietrobono S, Rota R, Linardic CM. Front Oncol. 2018 Oct 26;8:475. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2018.00475. eCollection 2018. Review.

Cheers to forward progress!

Congratulations to Corinne!

Congratulations to Corinne who received the Gordon G. Hammes Faculty Teaching Award at the Spring Faculty Meeting on May 8th! Read more about this well-deserved honor here. 

Special thanks to Dr. Lars Wagner, Division Chief, Pedatrics- Hematology/Oncology for accepting this award on Corinne’s behalf while she was speaking at the 2019 AACR Hippo Pathway conference.

Big News and Big Thanks!

The Linardic Lab is grateful for the support of the Duke and Durham communities, and thrilled to announce that as a result of this support during our September 2018 Alex’s Million Mile campaign we have received a grant of $15, 021.00 from Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation! Thank you for continuing to believe in this research mission, and a special thanks to VWR, Tobacco Road Sports Cafe, and The Adam Dickinson Group at 501 Realty for their continued sponsorship.